• Date
      June 14, 2020

      Alexander R. Gonzalez


      Alejandro R. González is an animation activist in Argentina. He is an animator, animation professor (UNC, UNVM) and animation researcher. Artistic Director of the International Animation Festival of Córdoba – ANIMA; Coordinator of the Experimental Animation Center (CEAn) of the UNC. His works (audiovisual and theoretical) have participated in festivals, exhibitions and congresses around the world. His theoretical production focuses on the historical and poetic aspects of Argentine and Latin American animation.
    • Date
      June 14, 2020

      New epistemological frontiers of the moving image

      Wednesday June 17 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

      This paper will deal with the changing and porous distribution of the epistemological borders between audiovisual fields. Paradigms such as postmodernity or the fourth industrial revolution repeatedly remind us that all kinds of borders have been gradually fading since the past generation. In turn, concepts such as hinterlands, used by actor-network theory, state that every social structure contains competing forces that can be temporarily and geographically stabilized, but that can never be considered definitively established.
      Author: Juan Manuel Acuna Guzman.
    • Date
      June 14, 2020

      Reinel Uriel Rojas


      Apprentice of the Technologist program in Multimedia Production of the SENA-CEET Center of Electricity, Electronics and Telecommunications, with knowledge and skills in advertising, he has a strong background especially in drawing and illustrations, development of educational and business content, he has participated in the development of posters and transmedia content for the SENA-CEET research hotbed La Caja MakerLab Multimedia.
    • Date
      June 14, 2020

      Integration of analog 3D techniques in digital processes for the development of independent video games

      Wednesday June 17 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

      Regarding video games, it is very easy to recognize digital 3D in the development of most of the games on the market, this leadership was gained from the nineties, with the so-called fifth generation of consoles, the technological advances of the moment such as CDs. -ROM, (Solo, 2018) allowed the exploration of a new technique, digital 3d, which has been improving along with technological advances and has become the standard for large companies that reach a massive commercial public.
      Author: Laura Julieth Moncada Aldana.
    • Date
      June 14, 2020

      The animation laboratory, a possibility to think about artistic creation

      Wednesday June 17 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

      This space offers a look at some academic experiences around experimental animation, where the creative sense, the teaching methodology and knowledge are mixed as indissoluble elements. The construction of the animated image offers an alternative of visual narration and its exploration from the classroom favors the creation laboratory.
      Authors: Andrea Sánchez Guerrero and Edward J. Guerrero Chinome.
    • Date
      June 14, 2020

      The puppeteer's strings: interdisciplinary dialogues between theater and animation

      Wednesday June 17 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

      This paper will deal with the changing and porous distribution of the epistemological borders between Understanding its definition, "Acting" in animation does not translate as a trade or discipline, but as an action of interpretation. This lands and gives indications of its use in the field of animation. The handling of live action video references seeks the actor to add physical characteristics to his performance in order to emphasize his bodily attitudes during the performance. The representation in the theatrical reality is shared by both the animator and the actor, however, the concept of staging or staging determined by space and time are completely different.
      Authors: Jesús Alejandro Guzmán-Ramírez, Sergio Hernán Sierra-Monsalve and José Ángel Cabuya-Velandia.
    • Date
      June 15, 2020

      Animated Documentary as a pedagogical tool for the construction of Collective Memory

      Wednesday June 17 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

      Colombia presents a scenario of amnesia, indifference and lack of sense of belonging to the country, having repercussions on the preservation of the Collective Memory. Due to the above, the present investigation of a transdisciplinary approach arises from the Audiovisual field and the field of Social Work in order to propose the Animated Documentary as a pedagogical tool for the construction of Collective Memory from a perspective of Social Innovation.
      Authors: Juan David Aristizábal Gómez and Alejandra Calderón Martínez.
    • Date
      June 15, 2020

      3D animation and immersive technologies applied to the forensic reconstruction of crime scenes

      Wednesday June 17 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

      The new Colombian accusatory penal system has implied the holding of oral trials and the use of the necessary technical means to achieve the greatest agility and fidelity in its execution. This situation provides a valuable opportunity for the intervention of 3D animation in the preparation of reconstructions of crime scenes, which can be presented as evidence in a trial or as a support element to interview witnesses.
      Author: Fernando Torres Ruiz.