Paisajes Reactivos

Hicham Berrada / Francia
Año Colombia-Francia

Un reactivo es una sustancia que produce una reacción química en el momento en que interactúa con otra. El resultado es un producto de características y propiedades diferentes. Los reactivos son la base para muchas actividades relacionadas con ciencias aplicadas y, en muchas ocasiones, se usan para detectar o separar elementos determinados. Se clasifican según su pureza o su uso específico: reactivos para análisis que son de menor pureza, purísimos y especiales utilizados para técnicas de análisis. Hicham Berrada ha trasladado su uso al campo del arte, desplazándolo desde la ciencia y la tecnología a una esfera visual, en donde la experimentación se convierte en el centro de la obra, desprovista de hipótesis a verificar o de sustancias que develar. El conocimiento científico que Berrada aplica en sus experimentos visuales está atado de manera natural a su práctica artística, de la misma manera en que un pintor está involucrado con soportes, pigmentos y aglutinantes.

Hicham Berrada realizará un taller destinado a artistas, basado en su práctica artística, en un cruce entre ciencia y arte.

  • Fecha
    22 mayo, 2017

    Introduction to Gambiological Studies

    Fred Paulino / Brazil
    Gambiologia is a Brazilian creative hub which adopts the country's tradition of "gambiarra" (“life hacks” or hechizos) as a source of inspiration for works on art and technology. It materialize itself on the production of multifunctional devices which are recognized either as electronics, installations, sculptures or decorative objects. In this workshop, we will collect unused objects from urban landscape and hack them in order to create upcycled design objects. For that, we will explore the concept of “industrial coincidence”, in which two industrial objects with distinct origins fit perfect in each other. We will also provide basic electronics theory and materials that will be applied in the student’s creations.
  • Fecha
    22 mayo, 2017

    Parametric Form Finding, Interaction and Sentience

    Aaron Brakke / USA
    University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    We are interested in providing participants an introductory course in parametric and interactive design within an architectural environment. Computation has become ubiquitous, is embedded in virtually every facet of our lives and is currently showing real promise to augment of lives in the way that Engelbart, Sutherland, Beer, Ashby and Pask were dreaming of when they introduced us to cybernetics. Within the field of architecture, the contemporary digital discourse has gained a significant level of maturity over the past 30 years. Computers have been absorbed, adapted, modified and evolved into a robust infrastructure that is changing the landscape of design conception, development, simulation, engineering, management, communication, construction and of planning the life-cycle of a building. It is within this context that this workshop has been developed. The scope includes an introduction to; modeling with Grasshopper in Rhino, digital fabrication processes, and interaction with Arduino. The course is oriented for participants who are new to these technologies. This day long workshop should help each student obtain fundamentals in parametric modeling and interactivity.
  • Fecha
    22 mayo, 2017

    Natural Resistance

    Margaretha Haughwout and Ian Pollock / USA
    Guerrilla Grafters
    The Guerrilla Grafters graft fruit bearing branches onto non-fruit bearing, ornamental fruit trees. Over time, delicious, nutritious fruit is made available to urban residents through these grafts. We aim to prove that a culture of care can be cultivated from the ground up. We aim to turn city streets into food forests, and unravel civilization one branch at a time. For ISEA 2017, we demonstrate how to graft urban fruit trees in the Recinto district of Manizales. The Guerrilla Grafters teach participants how to use their internet tools and different kinds of tagging — from graffiti to electronics to attach to branches (disseminating information about the graft to humans and bees), and offer take-home grafting kits. We provoke a discussion on how specific cultivation practices can resist capitalist and colonial regimes of power. Here, conflicts between a variety of fruit eaters might be recast as something to be embraced, and not positioned as the opposite to peace. We invite messy, rebellious solutions to the ways information can be shared for the purposes of expanding the urban commons in ways that simultaneously collapse binaries between public and private, nature and culture.
  • Fecha
    22 mayo, 2017

    Shoptalk: Field Tools for Critical Making

    Glenda Drew, Sara Dean, Beth Ferguson and Jiayi Young / USA
    University of California, Davis - California College of the Arts

    Shoptalk: Field Tools for Critical Making engages participants to practice methods of thinking and making to promote social resiliency, art for social change, and participatory action for peace. This half-day workshop will give participants the opportunity to collaborate and build their own submissions for the Field Tools for Peace ISEA exhibition and online gallery, and explore new approaches to making. Workshop leaders will start with short presentations about their own community arts practices and case study overviews. Workshop participants will then have the opportunity to introduce themselves and brainstorm topics and mediums to create projects with. Methods for collaboration through rapid prototyping and problem solving will include creative acts of listening, and shared narratives and visions of possible futures in both digital and public art installation.
  • Fecha
    22 mayo, 2017

    Co-creating and critiquing training methods for transdisciplinary collaboration

    Roger Malina, G. Mauricio Mejía and Andrés Roldán / USA-Colombia
    University of Texas, Dallas - Universidad de Caldas
    Although transdisciplinary collaboration is associated with efficiency and efficacy to solve professional and academic challenges, untrained teams may underperform because of collective cognitive limitations such as less ideation power, planning fallacies, or overvalue of shared beliefs. Successful transdisciplinary collaborations require appropriate practices and didactics. In this workshop the organizers will present a draft of best practices and didactics for teamwork and will ask participants to contribute to critique, extend and recommend from this draft. The expected outcome is a refined draft document of best practices and didactics for teamwork. The organizers will develop further and publish this document along with an annotated bibliography in the topic. We will use co-design methods to design the workshop with the participants. Activities include teamwork in a challenge, socialization, and debate of best practices. This workshop is associated with the panel proposal submitted on the same problem; many interested colleagues could not be included in the panel and this workshop will include the panelists and other ISEA attendees.
  • Fecha
    22 mayo, 2017

    Sound Dialogues - From acoustic to gestural

    Gonzalo Biffarella, Gustavo Alcaraz and Julio Catalano / Argentina
    Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
    In this workshop we will approach critically towards data, considering it as a human political construct and learning to connect several representations of it: numerical, symbolic (code) and graphical (visualization) to speak and potenciate citizen voices, which is becoming more and more important in these times of data collection and releasing and in the particular context of post-conflict and the peace building efforts to come. We will code and create data visualizations and use them to show twitter voices of several actors related with peace building in Colombia.
  • Fecha
    22 mayo, 2017

    Data [h]ac[k]tivism and visualization workshop

    Offray Vladimir, Luna Cárdenas and Fernando Castro Toro / Colombia
    In this workshop we will approach critically towards data, considering it as a human political construct and learning to connect several representations of it: numerical, symbolic (code) and graphical (visualization) to speak and potenciate citizen voices, which is becoming more and more important in these times of data collection and releasing and in the particular context of post-conflict and the peace building efforts to come. We will code and create data visualizations and use them to show twitter voices of several actors related with peace building in Colombia.
  • Fecha
    1 junio, 2017

    Guidelines and resources for designing interactive and transmedia documentaries through 10 examples

    Arnau Gifreu-Castells / Spain
    Open Documentary Lab - MIT

    Over recent years, the way we produce, teach and research new media has dramatically changed. The interactive non-fiction narratives have transformed the processes of producing, distributing and showing documentaries, and especially the processes involved in how the viewer relates to the text. One of these new media forms of narrative expression is “interactive documentary”. As a new media object, interactive documentary challenges traditional methods of study and dissemination. An interactive documentary is a kind of documentary that empowers the viewers by allowing them to take decisions that affect the narrative.