Carlos Pineda


Graduado de la Universidad Concordia de Montreal en Design Art. Es colaborador permanente del departamento de Diseño Visual de la Universidad de Caldas, en Manizales, Colombia. En 1993 fue invitado por la  Universidad de Guelph, Ontario para dar talleres de fotografía en las facultades de Desarrollo Internacional y Bellas Artes, en la Universidad de York en Toronto y el Cross Cultural Learner Center en Londres, Ontario.

Ha sido colaborador en diferentes revistas: Especiales de la revista Semana en Colombia; Zazpika en el País Vasco, España; Die Furche en Austria; Editorial Ulysse (guías de viaje), Women and Environment , Voir y en diversas publicaciones de la Universidad de Montreal en Canadá. Ha participado en diferentes libros de Villegas Editores. El libro “Cafés de Colombia”, Villegas Editores, ISBN 978-958-8306-22-3 del cual es fotógrafo junto a Andrés Mauricio López, ocupó el primer lugar en el Gourmand Cookbook Awards, Paris, 2009 en la Categoría Jugos & Bebidas no alcohólicas y el Segundo lugar en el Latino Book Awards, New York 2010 – Book Expo America, EE.UU. El libro ha sido traducido al inglés bajo el título “Coffees of Colombia” ISBN 978-958-8306-79-7.

Su portafolio fue seleccionado para Photoespaña 2010 realizado en Cartagena de Indias. En el año 2012 recibió la beca de la Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia y el Ministerio Colombiano de Cultura para realizar talleres de sensibilización de la mirada a través de la fotografía en los municipios de Aguadas, Caldas y El Cairo, Valle del Cauca. En el año 2013 ganó la convocatoria en pasantías nacionales del Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia con el proyecto “mirada compartida”. En el año 2014 fue seleccionado para participar en la exposición de fotografía latinoamericana “Latin American Views” llevada a cabo en el “Festival In Latino, Latin American Culture Days” en Vilnius, Lithuania. En el último año se ha dedicado a documentar las actividades cafeteras en Colombia con trabajos realizados para Olam Company de Singapur, Alter Eco de Francia, SKN caribe, y Solidaridad Network de Holanda.

  • Fecha
    24 mayo, 2007

    Adriana Amodei

    Italia país invitado
    Pittrice, scultrice, videoartista.
    Adriana Amodei, nasce a Roma e lavora in Europa – in particolare in Svizzera, Francia, Austria, Italia, e ora anche in America Latina. Artista plastico e docente, ha studiato Sociologia all’Università La Sapienza di Roma con il professor Franco Ferrarotti e si è diplomata in Scenografia all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma con la guida del pittore e poeta Toti Scialoja.
    Sin dagli anni Ottanta esplora le varie articolazioni delle forme, utilizzando linguaggi eterogenei spesso mescolandoli tra loro. Plastiche, ferro, colore, luce elettronica, testi, immagini numeriche hanno dato vita a sculture, video, videoinstallazioni, fotografie digitali, allestimenti spaziali. Da sempre attenta alla relazione tra materiale e immateriale, ogni suo lavoro esprime fiducia nell’arte come sguardo sulla trascendenza. Ha esposto le sue opere in numerose mostre tanto personali che collettive in vari Paesi sia europei che extraeuropei.
  • Fecha
    26 mayo, 2008

    Ricardo Arce

    Docente Asociado de la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Miembro fundador de ASIFA Colombia. Diseñador Gráfico de la Universidad Nacional, Especialista en Televisión de la Universidad Javeriana y Maestro en Estética e Historia del Arte de la UJTL. Coautor del libro La Animación en Colombia hasta finales de los años 80.


    Capítulo colombiano de ASIFA -Asociación Internacional de Films Animados-. Trabaja por el fomento, desarrollo y promoción de la animación. Promueve oportunidades para los animadores y su entorno a fin de compartir información e interconectarse globalmente. Vela por la existencia y sostenimiento de los derechos de los animadores, y de la animación como motor social, académico y cultural.
  • Fecha
    24 mayo, 2017

    Roger Malina

    Estados Unidos Roger Malina is a space scientist and astronomer, and an art-science researcher. He is currently Professor of Art and Technology, and Professor of Physics, at UT Dallas.  Malina is the founder of the ArtSciLab ( ), which hosts collaborative projects between artists and scientists resulting in art works, scientific data exploration tools, and public engagement activities involving the integration of the arts, design, and humanities in science, technology, education, and mathematics (STEAM).  Malina is an elected member of the International Academy of Astronautics and recipient of the  "Laser d’or" Prize, from the International Video Art Organisation.
  • Fecha
    24 mayo, 2017

    Sue Gollifer

    Reino Unido
      Sue Gollifer is the Director of the ISEA International Headquarters. She is an artist a curator and Principal Lecturer and the Course Leader for Digital Media Arts MA and a researcher at the University of Brighton, UK. Her work is in both national and international public and private collections and she is on a number of National and International Committees, including (CAS) the Computer Arts Society, (DAM), Digital Art Museum, (DAC) the ACM SIGRAPH Digital Arts Community and Chair of the ACM SIGGRAPH ‘The Life Time Achievement in Digital Arts Award’. She has been a curator of a number of International Digital Art Exhibitions including the SIGGRAPH Art Gallery Exhibition’04: Synaesthesia and the “Intuition and Ingenuity” art exhibition to celebrate the Alan Turing Centenary 2012 and the & the William Latham Exhibition Mutator 1 & 2 (2013) at Phoenix, Brighton. She is on the Editorial Board of Digital Creativity, a referred journal published by Routledge, and is the art editor and curator of the visual section ‘Artist Space’, which examines the work of artists using digital technology. She is also on the Review Panel for the Leonardo Journal. In 2006 she was awarded an iDMAa Award, The International Digital Media Arts Award for her ‘Exceptional Services to the International New Media Community’.
  • Fecha
    24 mayo, 2017

    David Rothenberg

    Estados Unidos
    David Rothenberg (b. 1962) is a professor of philosophy and music at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, with a special interest in animal sounds as music. He is also a jazz musician whose books and recordings reflect a longtime interest in understanding other species by making music with them.\n\nRothenburg graduated from Harvard and took his PhD from Boston University.
  • Fecha
    24 mayo, 2017

    Annette Bhagwati

    Annette Bhagwati studied Social Anthropology and Art History in Freiburg, Berlin and London. After extensive fieldwork in West Africa (Benin) she received an M.A. in Area Studies Africa (1993) and a Ph.D. (1999) from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. In her thesis she examined local aesthetics and evaluative frameworks in oral culture. After graduating, she worked for Artsworldwide, London, and Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, before she became programme coordinator and in-house curator in the department of Exhibitions, Film, New Media at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin (2001-2006). In this capacity, she coordinated and advised on major international exhibitions, conferences and festival collaborations, with a special focus on African, Asian and Latin American arts and cultures. Exhibitions include "Portrait Afrika. African Portrait Photography", "The Short Century" (Okwui Enwezor), "subTerrain. Contemporary Art from India" (Geeta Kapur), "Politics of Fun. Contemporary Art from Southeast Asia"(Ong Keng Sen/Gridthiya Gaweewong), "Far Near Distance. Contemporary Positions of Iranian Artists" (Rose Issa), "DisOrientation. Contemporary Art from the Middle East" (Jack Persekian) and "About Beauty" (Wu Hung). Annette Bhagwati has taught courses on African Literatures at SOAS, graduate seminars on Classical and Contemporary African Art at Freie Universität, Berlin, and has co-edited the exhibition catalogue "Porträt Afrika" (1999).
  • Fecha
    24 mayo, 2017

    David Mcconville

    Canadá / Estados Unidos   
    Dr. David McConville serves as the board chair for BFI. As a media artist and researcher, he develops tools and techniques for exploring the big picture context of the complex challenges facing humanity. He is currently creative director of the Worldviews Network, a collaboration of artists, scientists, and educators integrating storytelling and scientific visualizations to facilitate dialogues about social-ecological resilience in science centers across the United States. He also co-founded The Elumenati, a full service design and engineering firm specializing in the development of immersive virtual environments. His transdisciplinary doctoral research through the Planetary Collegium at the University of Plymouth examined the historic and contemporary role of visualization practices in shaping views of the world.
  • Fecha
    24 mayo, 2017

    Ricardo Dal Farra

    Canadá / Argentina -
      El Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra es compositor, artista transdisciplinar y director fundador del proyecto internacional Balance-Unbalance. Es además profesor del Departamento de Música en Concordia University, Canadá y director fundador del Centro de Experimentación e Investigación en Artes Electrónicas (CEIArtE) de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina. Ha sido director del Hexagram Centre for Research-Creation in Media Arts and Technologies de Canadá; coordinador del Área Comunicación Multimedial del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación en Argentina; investigador asociado del Music Technology and Innovation Research Centre en De Montfort University de Inglaterra; consultor senior del Centro de Arte y Nuevos Medios Amauta en Cusco, Perú; coordinador del proyecto internacional DOCAM - Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage; e investigador y consultor de la UNESCO, Francia, en temas de media arts.