Vicent Onyemah
Professor Onyemah teaches Marketing Management, Business Development, Professional Selling, and Sales Force Management. Prior to joining Babson College, he taught at Boston University and Lagos Business School. He started two companies and worked in industry before pursuing his academic career. Professor Onyemah has over 15 years of practical selling experience, starting when he was twelve years old in Nigeria working for his parents, and including work as independent sales agent in Europe. He has taught and conducted consulting projects in about twenty countries in Africa, Europe, Middle East, Latin America, and North America. He also consults for the IFC/ World Bank and teaches in several international Executive Education programs.
His principal area of research is Business Development, Entrepreneurial and Professional Selling, Customer Relationship Management, and Sales Force Management. His articles have appeared in the Harvard Business Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of African Business, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Marketing Letters, and International Journal of Human Resource Management. Additionally, he has won a number of research and teaching awards including the M. Wayne DeLozier Best Conference Paper Award, Academy of Marketing Science, American Marketing Association (AMA) Sales SIG Doctoral Dissertation Award, and Boston University’s Beckwith Award for Teaching Excellence and Service.