Transmedia storytelling applied to research and dissemination

Manipulated States of Consciousness: An Artistic Exploration of Perception, Sensation and Immersion

Arnau Gifreu Castells /  Spain

Transmedia storytelling is a kind of narrative that focuses mainly on fiction and nonfiction but can be applied to many more areas, such as marketing, advertising, arts, education, and also research. Transmedia narrative shows much potential for being used as a strategy in teaching, education and training, since it offers new tools that make it ideal for the dissemination of knowledge.

With this formula, the student can produce content (in this context, to generate knowledge) as a collective construction, and the process can be used to implement constructionist and constructivist teaching methodologies. On a practical level, this would translate into asking students to become involved in generating content using media and platforms such as sound or audiovisual production (videos, tutorials, documentaries, mobisoides, webisoides, etc.), multimedia (websites, mobile applications, social networks, etc.), physical supports (alternate reality games, small games, etc.), or participatory supports (discussion forums, focus groups, analysis, etc.).

For example, students could use data visualization, infographics, computer graphics, non-fiction expression forms and documentaries, or journalistic formats like reportage, special editions, film or written essays, museum installations or educational formats. With transmedia narrative, researchers can create multiple media platforms to explain the results of their research in a new, easy-to-understand and original way.
