The Soundwalk as an Art Form: Building Bridges to Peace
Andrea Williams / USA
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
The Soundwalk as an Art Form: Building Bridges to Peace presents an overview of the history of the participatory walk as an art form, including the soundwalk and its key concepts and development, while providing a theoretical tool box for creating ones own soundwalk as a transformative art experience. When leading a soundwalk we are combining the perceiver and the perceived, the participant and observer in an improvisatory way in the physical environment. Soundwalks guide us on a path primarily created by our ears. Sound artist, Andrea Williams, will lead a 45-minute soundwalk at Parque Antonio Nariño, located en the Manizales Downtown, an open space consisting of flower gardens, urban structures, and a small square for events. The park has been created to «eliminate segregation and contributing to healthy living». The soundwalk will focus on: How can we be in peace and harmony with our surroundings? What does peace sound like? How do we feel connected non-verbally to other beings? How can observing other species bring us a sense of peace that we can translate to being at peace with fellow human beings? Following the walk, there will be 45 minutes of break-out groups for discussion posted on the URL.