Talk: Roma tre e la terza missione. La cattedra telematica di lingua e cultura italiana

Talk: Roma tre e la terza missione. La cattedra telematica di lingua e cultura italiana

Geatano Sabatini / Italy

Roma Tre University has an important track record of third mission activities, many of which have been developed within the frame of international cooperation. Among the main development cooperation projects, is a project for the recovery and restoration of the historic city of El Salvador in the Republic of El Salvador and in Africa in Burkina Fasu an agricultural training project. Among these projects, there is also one, sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic, with the IILA – Italo-Latin American Institute, for the creation of a Telematic Chair of the Italian Language and Culture, which consists of: Four modules for the learning of the Italian language, one of didactics of the language, four modules of synthesis on literature, music, art and history of Italy; Each module lasts for 20 hours.
