Relational Listening

Relational Listening

Teoma Naccarato and John Maccallum / Canadá-USA
Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry University – Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT)

In this workshop we guide a series of exercises intended to cultivate a relational quality of listening. Together, we will investigate a seemingly simple task: listening to and relating with a click-track. At times the click track will be generated by computer software, while in other moments the pulse will be derived in real-time from an electrocardiogram, worn by a dancer. As you listen, your challenge is not to follow, nor to anticipate the pulse. Instead, we ask that you attend to your unstable temporal relationship with the click track, such that you have agency to assemble and adapt the rhythmic textures that emerge between your actions and the media. This training process is highly structured and repetitive, and involves breathing, shifting weight, and eventually improvising in relation with the variable click track. While this technique was developed with contemporary dancers and musicians, it is accessible and relevant more broadly for researchers interested in approaches to somatic awareness within mediated environments, on stage and off.
