PAXX Textile Pattern Sound Machine
Fátima Edith Ramírez Domínguez / Mexico
Universidad de Guanajuato
Is a hybrid machine in which various multimedia elements are revealed, a sound object that works through a system of artificial vision through which a process is tracked of the surface of Latin American textiles generating a sound abstraction of the textile patterns designing various sound pieces in real time. The incessant search of the human being for generating identity and belonging, there is a process of construction where the individual defines himself in close relationship with his environment, in this context is where we can define the use and importance of the Textile activity in the history of the human being, thus configuring their collective practice, their identity and also their heritage. media arts establish a relation with the tradition to understand the socio-cultural transformations, establishing a conceptual apparatus through the textiles and the cultural identity. Textiles and their ritual and ceremonial connotation emphasizing their use in symbolic form of representation, through the geometry and weaving technique.