R. Noronha, C. Aboud, R. Portela
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Raquel Noronha is designer and PhD in Anthropology (PPCIS-UERJ, 2015). Adjunct Professor and current Head of Design and Technology Departament at Federal University of Maranhão, where she is a member of the Graduate Program in Design. Leader of the NIDA – Research group in innovation and design anthropology (CNPq), develops research in the areas of cultural identity and heritage, participatory design, relation design-materials-crafts. She directed the documentary By hand and fire (2014), author of the books Identity is value: the productive chains of Alcântara – MA (2011); In the heart of Praia Grande (2015) and coauthor of Crafts in Maranhão: practices and senses (2016) and Knowledge Sifting: cartographic and practice in Maranhão Low Lands (2017). Recently took part as Visiting Researcher within the “Knowing From the Inside (KFI): Anthropology, Art, Architecture and Design”, coordinated by Prof. Tim Ingold, in the University of Aberdeen.
Camila Aboud is Master in Design (PPGDg/UFMA, 2019 – Federal University of Maranhão, with FAPEMA scholarship). She is graduated in Business administration (ESPM, 2005). She is researcher of NIDA – Research group in innovation and design anthropology (CNPq). She is Coauthor from Knowledge Sifting: cartographic and practice in Maranhão Low Lands (2017) and Perspectives in Design Research: Studies based on Literature Sistematic Review (2017).
Raiama Portela is Master in Design (PPGDg/UFMA, 2018 – Federal University of Maranhão, with CAPES scholarship). Graduated in Design (UFMA, 2014). She is researcher of NIDA – Research group in innovation and design anthropology (CNPq). Her research is focused on Design and Craft, Design Methodologies and relations between Designer-researcher and Research field, from reflections of design anthropology. Coauthor from Knowledge Sifting: cartographic and practice in Maranhão Low Lands (2017). Actually she is researcher on a mapping project and documentation from maranhense craft.