P. Mendez, S. Castañeda, M. Bernal, R. Mejía , R. Morales, J. Giraldo, S. Baquero

P. Mendez, S. Castañeda, M. Bernal, R. Mejía, R. Morales, J. Giraldo, S. Baquero

Exploratory Papers

Ricardo Mejía is a professor of practice at the University of los Andes, responsible of the course Speculative Design, and a partner in rebrand, a strategic design consultancy that help organizations to innovate in a meaningful way.

Paula Méndez is an industrial engineer, former PhD student and teacher at the University of los Andes. She works as a consultant for public organizations and she is interested in using design and systems thinking tools to promote innovation in the governance arena.

Sofía Castañeda is a third-year design student, highly interested in strategic and systemic design, as well as in art direction. In the future, she would like to work alongside communities to contribute to their well-being using bottom-up approaches.

Santiago Baquero is a design and architecture student, he’s interested in understanding how the designer’s practice can serve as a vehicle for social and cultural transformation, acknowledging this responsibility as the main axis of creative production.

María Paula Bernal is a 7th semester design student, she’s interested in strategic design and in developing her illustration and communication abilities.

Roberto Alejandro Morales is a social communicator, is student of the Masters degree in Digital Humanities at Universidad de los Andes. An empiric designer, he has personal and academic experience related to queer studies, history, and on-line/off-line narratives.

Juan Camilo Giraldo is a visual and media communicator, interested in narratives, interactive technologies, digital humanities and audiovisual production. Currently he’s a professor of the courses Audiovisual Language and Production, Storytelling, and Direction Assistance at Universidad de la Sabana.
