International Show of Feminist Cinema, Fem Tour Truck

International Show of Feminist Cinema, Fem Tour Truck

Alejandra Bueno / Spain
Universidad Nacional de Educación / Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Fem Tour Truck 
The festival features a selection of audiovisual works, dealing with the problem of gender inequality. It is about creating a space for discussion in favor of human rights, in which gender equality is contemplated. The festival was born in Spain with the cultural platform guerrilla food sound system, who promotes art, culture and food rights. An international jury has selected 40 films with a total duration of three hours, in them there are short films, documentaries and experimental video. The aim of this exhibition is to demonstrate a new concept of empowered women, all jobs share the spirit of struggle and many of them also do it from the humor, because we see no need, about showing more drama. This show has been travelling around spain and portugal by truck, the symbol of male led by a woman. In this second stage, the proposal no longer have truck, but has two legs.