Ian Danby
Ian Danby has worked across the creative and cultural sectors in both a commercial and publicly funded capacity for the last 20 years. From managing The Custard Factory in Birmingham, one of the largest Creative Industry Hubs in the UK, to programming and curating at The Public to heading up the Visual Arts at Arts Council West Midlands where he developed the artist run gallery Eastside Projects.
i-DAT is a Research Group that acts as a catalyst for creative innovation across the fields of Art, Science and Technology, facilitating regional, national and international collaborations and cultural projects. As a networked organisation and ‘cultural broker’ i-DAT’s transdisciplinary agenda fosters ‘open innovation’ and knowledge exchange between companies, institutions, communities and individuals. i-DAT is developing new ‘tools’ for production, dissemination and participation that challenge traditional models of creation and consumption, and embrace the shifting relationships between audiences and cultural producers