370 New World

370 New World

Video / Video Arte – Video Art
Marcantonio Lunardi / Italia

370 New World is a work on the new solitude created by the economic and social crisis which crossed the whole Europe in the last ten years. The human isolation which is displayed to the spectator is, by now, part of the everyday life of many people. The author thus introduces his creative work as a kind of mirror in which the spectator may recognise some details of his or her own life. Despite the video focuses on the new media, Lunardi does not want to make any accusation. The work, in fact, is placed beyond the commonplace debate which stigmatizes technology and the social networks. The author simply tries to put in evidence the different solitudes which surround the various characters who live in his work. The first solitude is imposed by an external circumstance, that is the economic crisis. The glances of the artisans, of the artists, of the workers are lost on a distant horizon, and lost into the research of a job which is, by now, disappeared. The crisis deprived them of their essence and they have freezed into a state of paralysis which transformed them into the living waste of an evolving society. New World focuses on the changes which are happening now, and which are happening too fastly to prevent people to break down.
