Preparing for the future

Asher Remy-Toledo

In this talk, Asher will discuss the current landscape of new media and how the present and immediate future will demand more interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches. Asher will also give examples of an incubator program that the Hyphen Hub participates in in New York, dedicated to supporting innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship through art, design and technology. Programs like this are creative ecosystems that foster cultural value, not just capital value, bringing together professionals who push boundaries and invent new forms and seek new models in fields as varied as music, interactive art, arts scenic, design.
Hyphen Hub collaborates with leading museums, arts organizations, technology companies, universities, city governments, and international government institutions.

  • Date
    June 11, 2019

    The Cabaret: Artivist Volumetry

    santiago echeverry

    How to explore the possibilities of volumetry in relation to the still image and digital video, in a work strongly connected to the problems of the LGBTQ+ communities? This work, with a guerrilla video aesthetic, thanks to the portability of the Kinect sensor, and its possibilities in non-ideal lighting conditions, has captured the spaces and stories of a whole series of characters who struggle to express their identity in complex sociopolitical conditions. , due to the resurgence and strengthening of the extreme right in the world.

  • Date
    June 11, 2019

    The Snow White Syndrome

    Javier Tudela

    Presented by Icetex - Fellows Colombia

    What is the most important question? Is it possible to understand the adventure of life, death, desire... with 27 letters of the alphabet, 4 bases of the molecular code or 2 numbers of the binary system? Snow White bites into the apple and falls into a deep sleep; stepmom takes selfies and watches for likes on instagram. Do we have guidelines for thinking in a context dominated by the fascination of entertainment culture? What was he saying? Ah yes, the most important question.

  • Date
    June 12, 2019

    Preparing for the future

    Asher Remy-Toledo

    In this talk, Asher will discuss the current landscape of new media and how the present and immediate future will demand more interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches. Asher will also give examples of an incubator program that the Hyphen Hub participates in in New York, dedicated to supporting innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship through art, design and technology. Programs like this are creative ecosystems that foster cultural value, not just capital value, bringing together professionals who push boundaries and invent new forms and seek new models in fields as varied as music, interactive art, arts scenic, design. Hyphen Hub collaborates with leading museums, arts organizations, technology companies, universities, city governments, and international government institutions.

  • Date
    June 12, 2019

    ECO: [re]building paths between technologies, humanities, engineering, mathematics, arts, and sciences

    Ricardo Dal Farra
    Argentina- Canada

    EChO is a project that focuses on how the media arts can help find answers to the challenging and complex problems of the planetary environmental crisis. It seeks to understand how art can serve to build essential links between the sciences, the humanities, activism, and the definition of public policies. EChO proposes to create a public online database dedicated to electronic art projects that focus on environmental issues. It also adds the opportunity of a virtual meeting point that facilitates communication between potential actors who can help build "positive social changes." It has an openly proactive orientation, and seeks to generate knowledge that can be used to inspire and enable collective action, connecting (electronic) art projects with science, new technologies, mathematics, engineering, and the humanities.

  • Date
    June 12, 2019

    New Technologies and the Objectification of Nature and Work

    Guillermo Foladori

    Presented by Icetex - Fellows Colombia

    The 4th Industrial Revolution expresses the contemporary scope of the objectification of nature and work. Human society develops new forms of creativity and communication, at the same time that it unleashes many other contradictions within itself and with external nature. Understanding the tendencies of this process is vital for a policy guided by a critical humanism.

  • Date
    June 12, 2019

    Artist as Inventor. Uno sguardo archeologico ai media, all'arte

    Valentino Catricalà

    Today we live in a complex society. New media such as next-generation computers, smartphones, tablets, and consoles are increasingly present in our private and public lives. These changes are revolutionizing our environment, customs and the way we communicate. The notion of "media" is commonly related to the devices or tools that surround us, they are often still analyzed with a deterministic approach. The practice of artists, however, questions the idea of a linear evolution of cinema and the media. Without prejudicial interest in the difference between new and old media, artists will mix the images, sounds and processes of different media, coherently renewing concepts of evolution, giving rise to a new vitality in the development of film and media (Krauss , Brian Arthur, Gould). As Oliver Grau stated, “For more than 50 years, media art has combined the latest technologies with the big questions of our time: artists have critically observed visions of the life sciences and projections on artificial life, The utopias of neuroscience, robotics and cyborgs", thus rethinking the concept of "medium". Italy has been one of the leading countries in this context.

  • Date
    June 12, 2019

    Want to Believe Glimpse the virtual today

    Fabian Sanabria

    Starting from systematically exploring the category of belief, we end up in the virtual on a planetary scale. We run into excesses-defects of times, spaces and individual references in the social networks that we currently frequent and that entangle us. This forces us to build a perspective capable of accounting not only for the alienation of meaning, but also for the meaning of contemporary alienation. Do we live in networks or in communities? Do we relate or do we connect? Do we prefer Freedom or security? The truth is that in this perpetual present, at any moment we can erase the other or disappear. We live obsessed with transparency and we are tired. Eros is dying and we don't even have time to admit it. We believe we are in the swarm when only noise and vertigo catch us. What can we expect in the digital labyrinth? Is everything coldly calculated and controlled? If a few years ago we celebrated the fact that robots behaved like humans, can we say the same about the opposite? These are some of the questions that we will address in our conference. Fabián Sanabria is an anthropologist and doctor in sociology, university professor and writer, as well as a researcher on the problems of belief and desire in contemporary societies.

  • Date
    June 12, 2019

    Creative Industries Conversation

    Paula Lopez

    General producer of 10 versions of the International Image Festival, including international cooperation with ISEA2017 and Balance-Unbalance 2016, she has participated in the production of the Manizales International Theater Festival and as a co-investigator in projects and consultancies in creative industries with MinCultura and MinTic , has also participated in the creation and management of projects such as the Cultural Business Incubator, ClusterLab platform for Creative Industries and Communities of the Coffee Region, Electronic Arts and Design Market, LASO and ViveLab Manizales, Rogelio Salmona University Cultural Center and the de Ciencia Francisco José de Caldas in collaboration with national and international organizations. PhD student in Design and Creation from the University of Caldas with a national Colciencias scholarship, Social Communicator and Journalist from the University of Manizales and a specialist in Project Management from the Eafit University. She has been advisor to the rectory, vice-rector for university projection, member of the management team and currently director of graduates at the University of Caldas.
