Diana Castelblanco Caicedo – Luna Sofía Puerto Oliveros – Silvia Alejandra Duarte – María Sofía Baigorri – Daniel Felipe Medina – Diego Andrés Páez – Pablo Andrés Gómez
This work is a digital scenario developed by the Semillero Territorios y Estéticas Sociales, which addresses contemporary issues of territory and memory by showing and visualizing objects and stories associated with testimonies of victims of the Colombian social and armed conflict.
For design students, this involves analyzing the social processes that shape the public image of the past through objects, recognizing their complex, diverse and polyhedral form.
Based on the Final Report of the Truth Commission, this work explores the complex production of meaning and representation of individual, public and territorial memory through intimate, private or public objects.
This research-creation project investigates the different effects that quarantine has had on us, our bodies and our relationship with others, human and non-human.
Diana Castelblanco Caicedo - Luna Sofía Puerto Oliveros - Silvia Alejandra Duarte - María Sofía Baigorri - Daniel Felipe Medina - Diego Andrés Páez - Pablo Andrés Gómez - Colombia
This work is a digital scenario developed by the Semillero Territorios y Estéticas Sociales, which addresses contemporary issues of territory and memory by showing and visualizing objects and stories associated with testimonies of victims of the Colombian social and armed conflict.
Fabian Stiven Valencia Cordoba - Javier Mauricio Reyes Vera - Paola Johanna Rodriguez Carrillo - Colombia
This project is placed in the context of metaverses, considered as an emerging revolution on the Internet, especially after the announcement of Facebook's transformation to Meta Platforms Inc. in 2021.
Juan Manuel Henao Bermúdez - Andrés Felipe Villegas Hidalgo - Edier Becerra Alvarez - Colombia
This work seeks to promote the recognition and appreciation of organic markets in Cali, such as Asoprorogánicos and the San Antonio Organic and Agrotourism Market, highlighting them as cultural centers and promoters of healthy lifestyles.
Multi-platform experience hosted in Spatial, featuring interactive missions designed to guide the user through the Colombian steppes full of frailejones, grasses, mosses and a variety of fauna including bears, tigrillos, birds and insects.
The story of the epic and fantastic journey of a Muisca warrior of the year 1500 before the arrival of the colonizers, traveling through almost all of pre-Hispanic Colombia, where he will have to search for 8 golden cultures along with Imurá, a Quimbaya warrior, Eretama the daughter of the cacique Guatavita and Muyso a small talking snake.
Exhibition Community Spaces, Collectives, Citizens
Esteban Armando Solarte Pinta - Colombia
This work is a 3D exhibition that arises from the research-creation "Participation, Architecture, Community and Development in Latin American cities, 1980-2015".