Acción Trasdisciplinaria was a collaborative project with La Ratonera, a collaborative stay in Santiago de Chile. It was the first project carried out in long-distance collaboration between Mexico and Chile through the Chilean musician Ricardo Salinas Bertero and several artists and musicians who study and reside in Santiago de Chile.
The main idea was to carry out an audiovisual performance that would involve the different areas in which each member worked, integrating painting, dance, music and video to the process, which lasted an hour in total and generated a panoptic sensation in the visitor.
As part of the remote collaboration, Andamio made a video that is built from photographs that were taken in the place where the performance would take place and that were later sent so that Andamio could work on them. The result is a 10-minute video of a series of images that are juxtaposed to build a narrative through color, textures, tone, the weight of the image and where the reader can generate different readings from their own video and the context in which it was presented.