In 2006, Professor Super O was launched by Señal Colombia. This animated series sought to encourage the proper use of language, through a superhero, Professor Super O, who made grammatical corrections to the characters in the series that were misused. the Spanish language. On the other hand, in 2014 Señal Colombia presented a new series called Don Quixote de la Láctea, the well-known character is animated in a space/robotic environment and its focus is to find the origin of words. These series were very well received by children and adolescents, who learned and corrected their grammar. Taking this concept, ESPA-DA-FIN: Who to Grammatical errors, it's over! It takes up the concept proposed by these animated series, but transferred it to the Internet, through a portal, where users can learn the proper use of the Spanish language (Área et al, 2009), through a superhero character, such as an Avatar-Tutor, which, through different situations, promotes and encourages the good use of Spanish through its educational contents which are related to the theme of each student grade, as in Goméz et al, (2014) and in AKücklich and JBrereton (2006), but without neglecting entertainment (Kiousis. 2002), since this is the key or the method proposed to achieve a more effective assimilation of educational content. The project is aimed at children, teenagers and older adults. Users can register on the portal, where they can access the chapters, ask questions and learn the story of the character (Avatar-Tutor). Currently the project is in a content development phase that allows it to achieve its pedagogical objective, and in the current contingency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be used as a complement to the training content, for educational centers that require it. although access can be made by anyone, prior registration. This project was born as an initiative of the research incubator La Caja Multimedia MakerLab of the Center for Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications of SENA. As future work, it is expected that the project can be scaled as a support tool for educational and pedagogical processes (Comminit, 2011), thanks to obtaining resources, through calls from the SENNOVA line.
Finally, we want to refer to the fact that our project seeks, through innovation and creativity, to get out of monotony, by exposing a pedagogical theme of educational content and at the same time entertaining, taking advantage of the potential of current technological tools, which currently offer a reliable alternative for training processes
Author: Reinel Uriel Rojas & Alejandro Preciado.