Ricardo Dal Farra

Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra is a composer, educator, researcher, curator, and historian, specializing in electroacoustic music and electronic arts. He is Professor in the Department of Music at Concordia University, in Canada.  and Founding Director of the Centro de Experimentación e Investigación en Artes Electrónicas (CEIArtE) of the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, in Argentina.

He has been director of the Hexagram Centre for Research-Creation in Media Arts and Technologies in Canada; coordinator of the Multimedia Communication Area of the National Ministry of Education in Argentina; research associate of the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre of De Montfort University in England; coordinator of the international alliance DOCAM - Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage in Canada; senior consultant of the Center of Art and New Media "Amauta" in Cusco, Peru; and researcher and consultant of UNESCO, France, on media arts issues. 

His compositions have been performed in more than 40 countries, and recordings of his music appear in 23 international editions, including MIT Press publications (Computer Music Journal, Leonardo Music Journal). He has received awards and commissions from the International Computer Music Association and the International Biennial of Arts of São Paulo, Brazil, among others. 

Dal Farra co-designed the Bachelor's Degree in Electronic Arts at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), and the Music Production Technician for the Escuela Técnica ORT, in Argentina. From the National Ministry of Education of the same country, he led the development of national standards for multimedia education, through the profiles for the Technical-Professional Course in Multimedia Communication, approved at federal level by the ministries of education, professional councils, unions and chambers of commerce in Argentina.

Since 2011 he has been directing the Understanding Visual Music - UVM project, with which he has organized symposiums and activities in Canada, Argentina, and Brazil. As part of the same initiative, his work has been focusing particularly on the fulldome format and the possibilities of presenting art-science projects, organizing and curating audiovisual concerts, offering conferences, acting as a jury in international competitions, and leading production workshops in planetariums in Germany, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, and England, among others.

Among its main projects are also: the largest Latin American Electroacoustic Music Collection for public access, which currently houses the Fondation Daniel Langlois pour l'art, la science et la technology de Montreal; the research project: Electronic Arts Education in Latin America; the sound miniatures contest 'art! climate' with the Red Cross Climate Centre; and the Balance-Unbalance or BunB series of international symposia, dedicated to the search for solutions to problems typical of the global environmental crisis through transdisciplinary proposals that integrate the work between artists and scientists, opinion makers, experts in various technologies, politicians, lawyers, philosophers, and other key actors. Balance-Unbalance has been carried out in Argentina, Canada, Australia, the United States, Colombia, England, and the Netherlands, and the 8th international edition is currently being prepared. Dal Farra has also been artistic director of the Mexican biennial of electronic arts Transitio.

Dr. Dal Farra is a member of the board of directors of ISEA International, a member of the College of Latin American Composers of Art Music, and other prestigious international institutions. He is also a member of the editorial board of numerous publications, including: Organized Sound (Cambridge Press, UK) and Leonardo (The MIT Press, USA).



