Leda Peralta Quesada

Economic Affairs Officer of the International Trade and Industry Unit

Costa Rica – Mexico

Specialist in public policies, innovation and sustainability. Graduate in Political Science from the University of Costa Rica and Master in Environmental Policies from the University of Wageningen, in the Netherlands. She has worked in non-governmental organizations, in the Costa Rican public sector, and as an international civil servant. Between 2008 and 2013, she served as a ministerial adviser at the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy, and at the Ministry of Science and Technology of Costa Rica, addressing issues of digital government, the knowledge society, and modernization of the State. 

Between 2014 and 2017, he worked as Environmental Affairs Officer at the ECLAC Subregional Headquarters in Trinidad and Tobago, with special attention to climate change processes and disasters, their effects on development in the region, and opportunities for building resilience. in social, productive and environmental systems. Since 2017, it has been at the Subregional Headquarters for Mexico, addressing issues of innovation and productive chain, with special emphasis on MSMEs, and transition towards intensive economies in the use of knowledge and technology, under criteria of resilience and environmental sustainability.

  • Date
    June 18, 2020

    Leda Peralta Quesada

    Costa Rica – Mexico

    Specialist in public policies, innovation and sustainability. Graduate in Political Science from the University of Costa Rica and Master in Environmental Policies from the University of Wageningen, in the Netherlands. She has worked in non-governmental organizations, in the Costa Rican public sector, and as an international civil servant. Between 2008 and 2013, she served as a ministerial adviser at the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy, and at the Ministry of Science and Technology of Costa Rica, addressing issues of digital government, the knowledge society, and modernization of the State. 
  • Date
    June 18, 2020

    Sylvie Duran

    Costa Rica

    She has been dedicated to intercultural research-action in performing arts, music, dance, festivities and in cultural projects for Central American integration since 1997; In addition, she is an actress and singer. Later, he specialized in cultural management and public policies at the University of Gerona, Spain. He worked in the institutional and cooperation sphere at the Ministry of Culture and Youth, the UNESCO San José Office for Central America, the Support Program for the Regional Integration of Central America in SICA and the Network of Cultural Centers of the Spanish Agency for Cooperation (AECID). Durán has been a teacher and researcher, facilitator of group processes on cultural issues. 
  • Date
    June 18, 2020

    Luis Carlos Caballero


    Company: Western Animation Studio. Director of Occident Animation Studio and Leader of the Cluster of Digital Animation and Videogames of Panama. 
  • Date
    June 18, 2020

    Shalima Murillo


    Institution: AMPYME - Authority of micro, small and medium-sized companies of Panama - Government Institution General Secretary
  • Date
    June 18, 2020

    Alfredo Moraga Carvajal

    Costa Rica

    Parallel Worlds. Expanding cluster of independent studios based on Executive Production, Promotion, Innovation and Business Management but above all teamwork is the function of Parallel Worlds with the desire to promote the audiovisual and its members.
  • Date
    June 18, 2020

    Edwin Vargas


    Company: Include Vr.
  • Date
    June 18, 2020

    Rita Rios


    Company: Multitool Studios 
  • Date
    June 18, 2020

    Hector Gil


    Company: Thermal Study 