Gladys is a Maya K’iche sociologist and public intellectual, specializing in the study of indigenous forms of government and land ownership in Guatemala. She is also the co-founder of the collective of indigenous women photographers "Con Voz Propia". Her practice and research work addresses the politics of desire and indigenous forms of communal politics.
In recent decades, Gladys has supported several important processes in her territory, including the Assembly of Maya, Garifuna and Xinka Indigenous Authorities. Her latest books are Systems of Communal Indigenous Government: women and kinship plots in Chuimeq’ena ‘(2016) and Indigenous Communal Government and the Guatemalan State. Some keys to understand the strained relationship (2018). In 2018 she received the Voltaire- Preis Für Toleranz Völkeverständigung und Respekt vor Differenz, an award from the University of Potsdam.