Creative Connections

Spain - Colombia

Conexiones Creativas is a leading platform (Think & Do Tank) in the consulting and design of creative economy projects in Ibero-America, with an emphasis on strengthening cultural and creative ecosystems. Through its projects, Conexiones Creativas thinks, researches, designs, accompanies and executes proposals that contribute to invigorate cultural and creative ecosystems in regions, as well as to stimulate strategic planning processes, growth and transformation in organizations, companies and professionals linked to cultural and creative economies. As a leading platform for consulting and design of creative economy projects in Ibero-America, Conexiones Creativas values:

- Creativity as a fundamental driver of innovation.

- Collaboration as a sustainable way of working.

- The power and importance of transdisciplinarity (cross-pollination).

- Permanent dialogue to build.

Since we were born in 2013 and today, Conexiones Creativas has built a powerful network in Latin America and Europe thanks to the strategic work in accompanying entities, organizations and professionals, and as a result of its commitment to the health of creative and cultural ecosystems in the territories.

  • Date
    May 19, 2021

    Arca Cultural Foundation


    ARCA Cultural Foundation is a Creative Industry based in Bogota, Colombia since 2006.
  • Date
    May 21, 2021

    Elder Manuel Tobar


    Social Communicator, Master in Digital Humanities, consultant and director of new digital media, he has specialized in the creation, design and production of multiplatform and transmedia digital narrative projects.
  • Date
    May 21, 2021

    Project 48 Colombia, the largest film competition in the world.


    Proyecto 48 Colombia is the world's largest timed film competition in more than 120 cities on 5 continents. We challenge emerging filmmakers, cinephiles, and other filmmakers to experience an adrenaline-filled weekend creating a short film in just 48 hours.
  • Date
    May 21, 2021

    Francisco J. Noguera


    Vice President of Connection and Experiences of iNNpulsa Colombia. He has dedicated his career to understanding and promoting the role of entrepreneurship and private enterprise in solving social and environmental challenges. 
  • Date
    May 21, 2021

    Jaime Luis Villalba Paternina


    Strengths in illustration, 2D digital animation, 3D, digital content creation and visual effects. 
  • Date
    May 21, 2021

    Laura Colmenares Guerra


    Colombian visual artist, resident in Brussels, Belgium. The digital image is the core of her artistic work. Her work explores the deterioration between contemporary western societies and living ecosystems.
  • Date
    May 21, 2021

    Oscar Tenganá


    Artist/photographer based in Cali, Colombia, he graduated as a publicist from the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, (Bogota, 2007). and continued his photographic studies at the Instituto Europeo di Design (Madrid, 2014), studying the MA.Master in fine art photography (European Master of fine art photography).
  • Date
    May 21, 2021

    Pablo Salgado Barrientos


    Social Communicator and Visual Artist, with a Master's Degree in Mass Media Communication. Winner of the Golden Lion at Cannes for Natalia Ponce de León's No more masks campaign.  Honorable mention at the Simon Bolivar Award for his portraits of Brigitte Baptiste.