Katherine Barriga Placencia


Katherine Barriga Placencia is in charge of the Project Management area of the Department of Artistic Creation of the Vice-Rectory of Research, Development and Artistic Creation (VIDCA) of the UACh.

During the International Image Festival, she will present the paper: - Intermediaciones de la mirada en la co-construcción del paisaje humedal de Valdivia (Intermediations of the gaze in the co-construction of the wetland landscape of Valdivia). Likewise, permanent exchange activities will be programmed with the participants in various scenarios such as the International Seminar, workshops, conversations, Soundscapes, Design Market, International Academic Forum, among others.

With the support of ICETEX.
  • Date
    July 27, 2022

    Alberto Novello


    Alberto Novello (also known as JesterN) is a multimedia artist, scientist and composer. His main field of activity is based on the creation of probabilistic multimedia architectures, at the technological limit between instability and error.
  • Date
    July 27, 2022

    Jenny Fonseca


    She is an interdisciplinary artist, researcher and documentary filmmaker. Film and television producer with a specialization in Art and New Media from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Master in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Doctor in Arts from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  • Date
    4 October, 2022

    Amparo Prieto


    Amparo Prieto Monreal (Chile), University of Zaragoza, Laboratory of History of Science and Technology LABchs. She is a visual artist and researcher specialized in the link between art, territory and energy. She works in the field in several historical-energetic enclaves in Chile, Spain and, currently, Italy.
  • Date
    4 October, 2022

    esteban agosín


    Esteban Agosin (Chile) is a sound artist and electronic media artist. He holds a degree in Music from the Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile and a Master in Electronic Arts from the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina. With the support of the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage of Chile and the Directorate of Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile.
  • Date
    October 8, 2022

    Cristóbal Enrique Parra Muñoz


    Photographer and media artist, graduated in Law and Social Sciences from the Universidad de Concepción and co-director of the Laboratorio Crítico de la Imagen. He researches political and territorial crossings with image technologies in the public space of South American territories.
  • Date
    October 8, 2022

    Camilla French

    United Kingdom

    Camilla French (Colombia) is a producer and filmmaker with a background in anthropology currently based in Colombia, where she co-founded Bardo Films. Her creative projects include the video work "A Chinese Home", which was performed by the Kronos Quartet and Wu Man at Carnegie Hall, and Ötzi, an immersive and ritualistic dining experience by TINATA (This is not a Takeaway) and artist Alfonso Borragan.
  • Date
    October 8, 2022

    Jemma Foster

    United Kingdom

    Jemma Foster (UK) is an author, artist and founder of the experimental botanical studio Mama Xanadu and the publishing house and art collective Wild Alchemy Lab, a portal for creative exploration of our past to inform our future. Wild Alchemy Journal is an augmented reality print edition that includes audiovisual content such as short films, music and immersive experiences.
  • Date
    October 8, 2022

    Corina Lipavsky Carvallo


    Corina Lipavsky is a visual artist, researcher and teacher. In her work, she uses electronic media and programming to create generative artworks that seek to establish relationships between art, technology and nature. Her practice encompasses print, video, digital applications, NFTs, projections and interactive installations.