Ivani Santana


She is an artist and researcher in dance, dedicated to technological mediation since 1990. Pioneer in Brazil in the telematic research of dance through advanced academic telecommunications networks. Since 2019 she studies the relationship between dance and virtual reality. In 2022 she presented her installations ECOS of Dance in Virtual Reality and Itaara, for three-dimensional platform in Lisbon, Portugal and in Strasbourg, France.

Creator and member of the Mulheres da Improvisação connection and of the LATINA(S)CÊNICAS network - Latin American Network of Technologies and Intermediates in the Performing Arts - initiated in 2021. Leader of the Technological Poetics Research Group: corpoaudiovisual, which develops several projects, many of which received scholarships and grants from FAPESB, CAPES and CNPq, in addition to cultural notices such as Iberescena, VivoLab, Cultura Digital and Fundo de Cultura. Master (2000) and PhD (2003) in Communication and Semiotics by PUC/SP. Professor at the Department of Corporal Art (DAC) at UFRJ, permanent professor at the Graduate Program in Dance at UFRJ and collaborator at the Graduate Program in Performing Arts at UFBA.

He completed a Postdoctorate at the Sonic Arts Research Center (United Kingdom, 2012/13), with the research “Dramaturgia do Corpo (Tele)Sonoro”. He received a CAPES Visiting Professor Fellowship (2018/2019) at Simon Fraser University for the development of interdisciplinary research in collaboration with Dr. Evan Thompson at the University of British Columbia (2018/2019). Author of the books: Open Body: Cunningham, dance and new technologies (SP:FAPESP/EDUC, 2002) and Dança na Cultura Digital (BA:FAPESB/EDUFBA,2006) and organizer of the notebook «States of Dance: interviews, reports and essays» by contemporary creators» (Salvador: GIPE-Cit/PPGAC/UFBA, 2006).

Co-Editor-in-Chief of Revista Eletrônica Repertório (PPGAC). She has several articles published in national and international journals such as International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, Liminalities, Culture and Globalization, Nouvelles de Dance, among others.

With support from ICETEX


International Seminar: "ECHOS: Dance and (in)Virtual Reality: dancer and public as co-creators of a dance«

  • Date
    October 31, 2022

    Laura Valeria Buritica Quintero


    ‌Architect and Master in Aesthetics and Creation. His professional experience has been developed in cultural projects and events that relate art, science, and technology in different fields, mainly academic, as well as in areas of publishing production and trade.