Laura Acosta

Concord University
Columbia / Canada

She is a Colombian-Canadian interdisciplinary artist who uses textiles and the body as instruments to explore social interaction. His experience as an immigrant has been translated into research on identity politics, displacement, belonging and public space. Laura's compositions, which are articulated between theater and play, introduce foreign bodies into well-known public environments as a way of creating spaces of otherness. Politically, her work questions how different individuals inhabit, embody or invent spaces.

  • Date
    April 27, 2006

    Ivani Santana


    Professor at the Humanities Institute of Arts and Sciences, in the area of concentration in Contemporary Arts and Technologies, and the Graduate Program in Performing Arts, UFBA. Choreographer, dancer, media artist.
  • Date
    May 6, 2006

    graziella tomasi


    He studied fine arts at the Academy of Art, Rijkshogeschool Maastricht, The Netherlands (1985 - 1990) and 'Accademia di belle arti di Brera, in Milan (Italy) as a student of Luciano Fabro (1990 - 1991). He then worked as a freelance artist, while studying philosophy at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam (1998). He moved to Berlin in 1999 with a grant from the Netherlands. Set design studio at Babelsberg Konrad Wolff Film University in Potsdam, 2005-2009. (Diplom) In addition to working as a production designer on film and television, she still does her own art and film projects.
  • Date
    May 6, 2006

    paul pignon


    He was born and raised in the UK. He started playing jazz at the age of 15. He studied physics at Oxford. He made his first forays into non-idiomatic improvisation in (1961). He undertook PhD Research at Oxford in favor of music. Moved to Yugoslavia. Co-founder of Radio Belgrade Electronic Studio. Active as a composer of chamber, vocal and improvised music, leading the group Interacción. In 1986 he moved to Sweden, composing and developing computer music software at EMS. He is a Member of FST and Fylkingen. Producer in Fylkingen 1988-1992. Active as a composer of electronic and instrumental works, and composer in real time on individual reeds, didgeridoo, recorders, voice, laptop; currently with BOP, BONON, 2+ (with Liisa Pentti), Free Speech, The Great Learning Orchestra, and other ensembles in Sweden and abroad.
  • Date
    April 7, 2007

    gerardo suter

    Argentina / Mexico

    Argentine photographer born in Buenos Aires in 1957. Since 1970 he has lived in Mexico City where he studied Economics at the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He began working as a photographer for various scientific and cultural institutions in Mexico and abroad. His images have appeared in multiple specialized books and magazines and in publications related to the dissemination of culture. Suter's creative instruments are the camera, the enlarger, the chemicals, the paper and the entire developing process; it alters the image and manipulates the salts in the development causing ocher and bluish colorations to appear. Suter has explored different media, going from photography to sculpture or installation and has exploited the possibilities offered by electronic photography. He developed innovative work that reinterprets the history of photography in Mexico, especially photos of archaeological remains. His search led him to alter the support of the image, enlarge the negative, and deliberately build "photographic spaces." On other occasions, Suter's work conforms to the space where it is displayed; in recent projects he has used installations with image projections on walls or the use of computers.
  • Date
    April 27, 2007

    Uberto Malizia

    Italy guest country
    Italian Institute of Culture

    Director Italian Institute of Culture.
  • Date
    May 6, 2007

    Gerardo Della Vecchia


    Bachelor of Electronic Arts, with training in Information Systems Engineering and Electronics Technician. He has participated in various seminars, courses and workshops focused on mobile audiovisual communication, Interfaces for the production of Electronic Art, Intelligence and artificial life, Interactive Art, the creation of installations and multimedia performances.
  • Date
    May 6, 2007

    Juan Diego Rivera


    Filmmaker from the Blackmaria Film School, focused on the areas of Directing and Dramaturgy, from which he has developed various projects in the fields of expanded, transmedia and experimental cinema. Director of the short film Postmortem, winner of the award for best Latin American short film at the Uruguay Film School Festival, he worked as a scriptwriter and director in the interactive narrative experience En buscada Bogotá and is currently developing the transmedia narrative project The Extraordinary and Improbable Adventures of Panclast biophile.
  • Date
    May 6, 2007

    Natalia Rivera Medina


    is a media artist and designer, her work and research have focused on the development of memorable interactive experiences and a more human-centered use of technology. In 2012, he founded the open and collaborative laboratory for research and creation around new media and the arts Mutante.Lab. His work highlights various large-scale urban installations, a Transmedia narrative and connected works.