Joanna Zylinska

United Kingdom

Joanna Zylinska is a writer, speaker, artist, and curator. She is Professor of New Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London. She is the author of six books, including Nonhuman Photography (MIT Press, 2017, forthcoming), Minimal Ethics for the Anthropocene (Open Humanities Press, 2014, freely available electronic version), and Life after New Media: Mediation as a Vital Process Kember; MIT Press, 2012) – is also a translator of Stanislaw Lem's philosophical treatise, Summa Technologiae (Minnesota UP, 2013).

In 2013 she was Artistic Director of Transitio_MX05 'Biomediations', the biennial new media festival that takes place in Mexico City. His own artistic practice involves experimenting with different types of photomedia. He is also currently exploring the end of man, in all its tragicomic guises.

  • Date
    June 5, 2017

    carine le malet 

    Guest Year Colombia - France

    Carine Le Malet is head of artistic programming and of the creation of Le Cube, the digital art center in Issy-les-Molineau (France). She forged her experience as curator and manager of cultural events, working first for the National Center for Art and Culture Georges Pompidou as an assistant for external relations with deputy director Laurent Claquin, for "ISEA 2000 revelation" 10th Symposium of Electronic Arts as an assistant director of production, as well as for the gallery Jérôme de Noirmont in Paris.
  • Date
    June 8, 2017

    antoine gonot 

    Guests Year Colombia - France

    Since 2012, Diego Ortiz and Antoine Gonot have been working together to create artistic works and interactive devices, questioning the relationship between space and mobility for fiction writing. In addition to their artistic work, they also carry out a theoretical research work on transmedia writing from the point of view of visual and audio immersion as well as the development of experience design tools.
  • Date
    June 9, 2017

    Mario Panizza

    Rettore Università degli Studi Roma Tre

    Mario Panizza, Rector of the University of Roma Tre since 2013, Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, was Director of the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre since its creation in January 2013; he was Vice Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of Roma Tre, Deputy Rector of Construction Planning and Development from 2009 to 2012; He was also a member of the Board of Directors from 1999 to 2005. Rector Panizza has a degree in Architecture, and has taught at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Sapienza from 1977 to 1992 on topics such as Social Architecture and Character of the buildings.
  • Date
    June 9, 2017

    Arjon Dunnewind


    Arjon Dunnewind was born in Ommen, The Netherlands in 1967. He studied Fine Arts and Media at the Utrecht School of Arts from 1985 to 1991. In 1988 he organized the first Impakt Festival and in 1993 he established the Impakt Foundation. In the 1990-ies Arjon Dunnewind curated presentations and touring programs for international artists and filmmakers, projects that would develop into the still ongoing Impakt Events program. From 1994 to 1997 he produced 'KabelKunst' and 'Vizir', two TV-series about video art and experimental film.
  • Date
    June 9, 2017

    Nicholas Gomez 


    He works as an artist, curator and art historian. Through exploration with different media —mainly painting and sculpture— he resorts to visual codes for the representation of the sensory and perceptual experience of space. He works with objects and images that reveal the tensions between the artificial and the natural, and the sensory experience in relation to the categorization and measurement systems of science and language. Both in his artistic work and in his research work, he has delved into the references to the rural and urban landscape in modern and contemporary art, as well as the development and validity of abstract art.
  • Date
    June 9, 2017

    michael saravia

    Graduated in Library and Information Sciences from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He has a Postgraduate Degree in Management of Non-Governmental Organizations at the Open University (United Kingdom) and in Politics and University Management at the University of Barcelona (Spain). He currently works as Director of Knowledge Management at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences. He is also President of the Peruvian Association of Academic Libraries (ALTAMIRA) and President of the Permanent Seminar on Agrarian Research (SEPIA).
  • Date
    June 9, 2017

    Gaetano Sabatini

    University of the Studi Roma Tre

    Gaetano Sabatini is Professor of Economic History at the School of Letters, Philosophy and Languages of the Università Roma Tre and Associate Researcher at the Office of Economic and Social History of the ISEG – University of Lisbon; It is among the Founders and Coordinators of the "Columnaria Network - Thematic Network of research on the borders of the Iberian Monarchies"; His main lines of research are developed within the framework of the history of public finances and the circulation of government models of the economy in the modern age. Among his most recent works are the editions of Reti finanziarie, reti commerciali.