Mike Phillips

United Kingdom
ISEA International Board Member

Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts and Director of Research at i-DAT, Plymouth University, UK.

(Photo taken from https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/staff/mike-phillips)

  • Date
    May 25, 2017

    Pascal Haudressy

    Guest year Colombia-France 2017

    Born in 1968, Pascal Haudressy lives and works in Paris. After ten years working for Unesco as head of cultural projects and productions involving internationally renowned artists, Pascal Haudressy decides to dedicate himself completely to his personal artistic work. His first works date back to 2005. From the beginning, his sculptures, installations and videos have been characterized by their exceptional technicality and the use of advanced materials and technologies. The aesthetic character of the work clearly assumed by the artist is never assigned without a strong symbolic dimension and an existential problem about the future of man. Viruses, cloning, nanotechnologies, robotics, virtual reality: the mutations of the real and the plurality of experiences resulting from it constitute the nodal point of the reflection and innovative artistic practice of Pascal Haudressy.
  • Date
    May 25, 2017

    Frank Vigroux

    Guest year Colombia-France 2017

    Franck Vigroux is one of the few artists who are both musicians and conductors. As a composer-performer he has the rare ability to produce a very wide range of sounds, from electroacoustic noise to industrial, modern composition and experimental electronic music. He has performed and recorded with internationally renowned musicians such as Mika Vainio (Pan Sonic), Reinhold Friedl, Elliott Sharp, Joey Baron, Zeena Parkins, Ars new instrumental ensemble.
  • Date
    May 25, 2017

    Guillaume Marmin

    Guest year Colombia-France 2017

    Graduated from Lyon II University and from ARFIS (school of film and audiovisual professions), Guillaume Marmin designs audiovisual devices. His work is connected from the beginning to the music scene and live performance and is part of a renewal of visual creation, freeing itself from the classic forms of narration and traditional stage supports. Influenced by experimental directors such as Len Lye or Stan Brakhage, Guillaume Marmin is always looking for a common language between images and sounds, a synesthetic alphabet made of rhythms, contrasts and refined figures in movement.
  • Date
    May 25, 2017

    Dominique Moulon

    Guest year Colombia-France 2017

    Art critic and independent curator, Dominique Moulon studied visual art at the School of Fine Arts (ENSA) in Bourges and holds a PhD in Arts and Art Sciences. He is a member of the Observatory of Digital Worlds in the Humanities (OMNSH), the International Association of Art Critics (AICA) and the Opline Award for contemporary art online. Founder of MediaArtDesign.net and MoocDigitalMedia.paris; He also writes articles for Art Press, Digital MCD, The Seen and Neural.
  • Date
    May 25, 2017

    Sound Nuits: Arnaud Rebotini

    Blackstrobe Records / Paris - France
    Guest year Colombia-France 2017

    Author, composer, interpreter, producer and mixer, Arnaud Rebotini is an emblematic figure of electronic music. His greatest talent lies in staying at the crossroads of genres, both avant-garde and timeless, and bringing them together. Known for using analog synthesizers, he is a central figure in a new international electronic scene that is committed to the return of the use of electronic machines. His live performances are unanimously applauded as his presence in the most renowned clubs and festivals in the world is confirmed.

  • Date
    May 25, 2017

    Felipe Cesar Londono


  • Date
    May 25, 2017

    Alba Triana

    A constant interest in broadening the meaning of composition, performance and the aesthetic musical experience, has made Triana's work encompass the technological developments he has encountered and freely appropriated elements from different artistic, scientific and philosophical disciplines. This is reflected in a hybrid musical production, difficult to classify, that takes shape in unconventional and varied formats, ranging from concert music, interactive installations, sound and light sculptures, to vibrating objects.
  • Date
    May 25, 2017

    Clemencia Echeverri


    Clemencia Echeverri lives and works in Bogotá. He completed undergraduate studies in Colombia and a specialization and master's degree in Plastic Arts at Chelsea College of Arts, London. He worked as a professor of Arts in undergraduate and master's degrees at the universities of Antioquia and Nacional de Colombia. After working in painting and sculpture, since the mid-90s Clemencia develops works in installation, video, photography, sound and interactivity based on the prevailing political and social conditions.