Octavio Islands


Graduate in sociology, master in communication and development, master in administration and information technologies, doctor in social sciences. Director of the Internet Project-Chair of Strategic Communication and Cyberculture of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México; director of the web magazine Razón y Palabra [http://www.razonypalabra.org.mx]; coordinator of the editorial boards of Revista Mexicana de Comunicación. Numerary member of the Mexican Academy of Communication. Member of the National System of Researchers. Author and coordinator of 8 books, more than 350 journalistic, dissemination and research articles and more than 25 book chapters. Member of the scientific committees and editorial boards of the different journals.

  • Date
    July 11, 2017

    Xavier Berenguer


    PhD in industrial engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, he has worked on computer application projects: optimization, organization management, assisted teaching, until dedicating himself to audiovisuals from the creation, in 1984, of Animática, one of the first production companies. of computer images in Europe, of which he was director until 1992. He is currently a professor at Pompeu Fabra University, in whose framework he has directed the Audiovisual University Institute (1993-2000) and co-directs the master's degree in Digital Arts at the IUA. He also writes and directs the television program "Nostra nau", on Televisión de Catalunya, and collaborates with the UOC.
  • Date
    July 11, 2017

    santos zunzunegui


    Basque writer, PhD in Information Sciences, Graduate in Law and Economics. Critic and contributor to numerous film magazines. He has participated in different courses and given conferences in various countries. Visiting Professor at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III) and at the University of Idaho (USA). On cinematographic subjects, he has published several books, among which we highlight Cinema in the Basque Country, Euzkadi, a film by Teodoro Ernandorena, Thinking about the image, Landscapes of Form, La Mirada cerca. Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the University of the Basque Country. He received the Best Story Film Award at the III Villa de Balmaseda Amateur Film Contest for the short film Tres, ten.