To pollinate is to fertilize, it is the way plants make love and reproduce. A plant has neither hands nor feet and it is very difficult for it to find a mate and even more difficult for it to have sex, so it uses pollinators to get its male cells to the ovules of another plant and fertilize it, and have sex at a distance.
Pollinators are essential to ensure genetic diversity and the viability of future generations by carrying pollen from one plant to another. Flowers attract animals with their shape, smell, color and nectar to carry pollen, which attaches to inaccessible parts of their bodies and is encapsulated to prevent dehydration during transport. When pollen reaches the pistil of a flower, it is chemically activated, triggering the growth of a tube that reaches the eggs at the bottom of the flower. The resulting fertilization forms a seed that contains the embryo of the plant, and in some cases, also a fruit.
From the seeds the plants will be born and will also serve as food for other living beings, including us, hence the great importance of pollination.
Andrés Uriel Pérez Vallejo, Sebastían Rivera Ruiz, Paula Alejandra Garcia, Juan Manuel López Pasos (Semillero de investigación en artes mediales SIAM) - Colombia
This work is presented as a performative-visual installation that invites the viewer to contemplate the fragility of the technological past and the transformation of the body into a posthuman state.
Sorority bodies and territories: the power of coming together
Jenny Fonseca Tovar - Colombia
Collaborative installation with the Women's Committee of the Farmers Association of Inzá, Cauca, based on the five pillars of the committee: food sovereignty, women's empowerment, social and solidarity economy, and human rights with emphasis on women's rights and political organization.
Technopoiesis. Possibilities of interspecies creation
Santiago Franco Lopera - Colombia
This work explores the possibilities of inter-species creation to reflect on the role of human beings in the systemic behavior of planet Earth. It uses electronic elements, measurements of galvanic impulses and records of changes over time in living beings that share an environment.
Silvia Natalia Buitrago Guzman - Shalk Ti - Sofía Calderón Toloza - Natalia Bermúdez Wallis- David Santiago García Murcia - Juan José Heredia - Colombia
Understanding the territory as a complex construct in which relationships are woven with the natural, social, economic, political and cultural, we propose a metaphorical exploration of a common place for all participants: a classroom, the scene of experiences that transform the life trajectory of individuals.
This speculative experiment explores a future ecosystem under rigorous control, set in a speculative simulation 30 years in the future. In this vision, artificial intelligence and synthetic biology collaborate to create an optimized environment for cultivated species.
The exhibition arose in Manizales as an initiative to promote the recognition and appreciation of the biological, cultural and artistic heritage of the city. It focuses on collective memory as a fundamental resource that links people with their environment and promotes the conservation of natural heritage.
In the age of the digital image, we must ask ourselves what we are looking at when we look at a work of art. Contemporary creativity is a continuous aesthetic drift in which different disciplines converge to generate a collective imaginary that is the disembodied result of the diverse ways of creating in the 21st century.