
2017 – 16 min.– Digital animation and others


Language / Language Spanish | Director Laura Castillo | Producer / Producer David Silva  | Script / Screenplay Laura Castillo | Editor David Silva | Photography Jerome Sarmiento | Animation David Silva | Cast / Cast Natalia Ramirez and Leonardo Martinez


Lonely and incomplete, Juan, a young man with a singular vision of the chaotic city in which he lives, decides to immerse himself in it with the aim of finding Ana. However, Ana, transformed by the dynamics of the city, breaks with Juan's illusions and Unintentionally, he ends up showing her that she is not the one he should look for.

  • Date
    June 10, 2020


    Leonardo Leal

    Nature behaves in strange ways and what is seen, at the same time, cannot be seen clearly. The noise drives the film like the flow of a dark river and, at times, tears through the editing as if it were a sheet of paper. The experiment is actually a not so innocent game. Between the abstract and the figurative, the harmonic and the noise, the film confronts us before giving us an answer: What can emerge from contemplating filmic matter?
  • Date
    June 13, 2020


    Monica Bravo Pedrosa / Miguel Bohorquez

    A place where the same thing always happens, nothing ever happens, only time passes. Over and over again, like an eternal return, each character inhabits the city with their daily lives. This chorality configures a stable and chaotic urban landscape where all the little things happen simultaneously and we don't know where to look.
  • Date
    June 13, 2020


    Sebastian Munera

    Behind the immobile shelves that make up the largest photographic archive in the country, a wall collapses for the remodeling of the Pilot Public Library of Medellín. Three characters reveal, clean and build like ghosts among the dusty corridors. Epic music and a theatrical air intervene in their daily trades while a photograph is revealed: the rubble of the same building after a bomb explosion in 2004. Preserving and destroying coexist in the making of memory.
  • Date
    June 13, 2020


    John Martinez / Ivo Aichenbaum

    It is not an ordinary day, now John shoots the camera and not the rifle. Now he is aiming not at the enemy but at his comrades with whom he is marching towards the imminent laying down of arms. Jhon portrays the last day of the FARC as no other photographer could, as a combatant: from intimacy and camaraderie. As he releases the shutter, he recognizes the uneasy expressions on those familiar faces and understands in each one the melancholic details of their farewell.
  • Date
    June 13, 2020


    Errata Collective

    What is this thing called colombianity? Where does it come from? A collage of hegemonic discourses and failed images of our folklorism, tries to give an answer that reveals more ruptures than paths. The voices of those who have occupied the media and power are contrasted with the silence of critical thought and memory that offer a polysemic response to our identity. The film shows how national history changed the future of these peoples and, even so, how we occupy a multicultural territory where it is difficult to say that we are the same.
  • Date
    June 13, 2020


    Mariana Jimenez Velez

    Mariana looks at the videos of her childhood and, unable to evoke those moments in her memory, wonders who those memories belong to and how her life story reflects the missing fragments instead. What is the difference between memories, dreams, inventions and videos? The cassette images seem objective but she instead finds them false. True memories are blurry as seen through a window: aged voices and brick walls. Submerged in oblivion, Mariana looks for answers in the forest, the mirror and the defect, but even so she cannot find the lost memory.
  • Date
    June 13, 2020


    Manuel Garcia Silver

    Pandemic comes from the Greek word pandêmon nosema, which means: disease of an entire people. What is our society suffering from? Especially today, will we come to realize our reality?
  • Date
    June 13, 2020


    Camilo Montoya Grajales

    Fidel Castro's revolution left a certain skepticism in the Sierra Maestra, Cuba. Raising the existence of an extraterrestrial presence, it delves into the daily life of the region and the absence of its own beliefs. Like The War of the Worlds, this short film demonstrates the documentary's ability to invent reality.