
Andres Jimenez Quintero (Colombia)

In a humid and hot region of Colombia, the days of Emilio, a 16 year old boy, pass by. Faced with the lack of opportunities, he has no choice but to join the local paramilitary group.

Golem is a short film that portrays the actions of illegal armed groups, which give orders, kill and talk about death without any hint of feelings.

A kind of automatons that control the environment in which no young person born in disputed territories seems to be able to escape.

  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "Green screen"

    Sergio Pacheco Pajuelo (Peru)

    The screen -like windows- are physical and symbolic frames that serve as interfaces of an increasingly diffuse inside and outside. It is through these frames -and their digital reproductions- that we can observe the exterior and interior reality: we see and let ourselves be seen; however, how much control do we have over these spaces and reproductions, how much decision do we have over our own image?
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Joao Pedro Oliveira (Portugal-United States)

    Coalescence is the process of joining or merging elements to form a mass or whole. In this piece of visual music, both the visual materials and the music come together and separate into distinct units, forming shapes and sounds that are the combination of united elements.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Alexei Dmitriev (Germany)

  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Jhonny Carvajal Orozco (Colombia)

    Liminal: A state of transience between something that has gone and something that is yet to come.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Carlos Mauricio Gomez (Colombia)

    Video art work that reflects an existential metaphor of the stage of a soul through 3 clips where I have maintained a close relationship between documentary and video art formats, was that I set out to create a way in which to merge these elements.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Sebastian Jaimes Marin (Colombia)

    A person travels through time through a mnemic space, trying to unfold the folds of his or her memory in order to preserve the memory of another being.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Jean-Michel Rolland (France)

    Around a low tree with twisted branches, a man seeks rest. He doubles up. One lifts his paw, clings to a branch, the other sits in an awkward curve, like a monkey trying to make his nest. Now there are three, then four to explore the possibilities of action offered by the plant. This tree was waiting for him.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "Beijing Bicycles"

    Jean-Michel Rolland (France)

    The endless round of images morphs, slowly moving from an undefined form to the -constructed- one of the cyclists, never stopping at the original shot.