"Have you ever been told that what you say doesn't match what you do?"

Lupe Laserna Cano / Natalia Arango & Adriana Lucia Nova Sanchez (Colombia)

Universidad de Caldas

Have you ever been told that what you say does not match what you do? There are ways of analyzing discourse that unveil the opacity of language. This work in progress makes a Critical Analysis of Design Discourse and studies how it can contribute to social transformation.

This paper analyzes a corpus of forty articles from academic design journals from four Latin American countries: Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Colombia over a period of ten years, between 2011 and 2020. To initiate the study, quantitative software such as Lexico and MAXQDA, and qualitative software such as ATLAS.ti, CLAN and Tropes are used.

The results of the analysis will be visualized by means of graphic representations that make the collected and evaluated data understandable. This presentation aims to show the coherence of the academic discourse of design and how it can contribute to social transformation.

  • Date
    October 16, 2022

    "Visual Perspective in Social Research"

    Viviana Grisales (Moderator and speaker) / Natalia Rincón / Leidy Marcela Castaño / Jackeline Arias / Sergio Gaviria / Carolina Izquiero / Jonathan Izquierdo / Alejandra Molina / María Clemencia Vallejo / Zuly Katrerine Moreno and Andres Felipe Castrillón | Scientific Colombia Program. Reconstruction of the Social Fabric in post-conflict areas in Colombia


    From the social sciences and ethnographic processes, the perspective should not only be governed by classical research methodologies, but also from other non-conventional ways of showing realities. Social research should be characterized by the integration of artistic, cultural, visual and digital processes that contribute to the construction of an interdisciplinary reflection.
  • Date
    October 16, 2022

    Noise Curtain "Exploratory Residence"

    Juan Duque (Colombia)

    Explora and Exploratory Park

    The sound installation " Cortina de Ruido" is an encounter with order and chaos, where the body is translated into a disruptive agent of a programmed sequence that becomes perpetual by its prevalence. 
  • Date
    October 16, 2022

    Acoustic fossil: listening to climate change.

    Santiago Reyes Villaveces / Daniel Villegas Velez (Colombia)

    American-Colombian center

    What is -or can be- the role of listening in the academy and artistic creation in the task of understanding, conceptualizing and acting in a meaningful way in the face of the global transformations that are grouped under the terms of climate crisis or change, global warming, anthropocene and/or capitalocene? To address this question, our discussion takes as a starting point the sound installation Fósil acústico (vestibular organ), winner of the Túnel de Escape grant (Ministry of Culture, 2022).