The flight

John Melo / Colombia

El vuelo is a video-animation project that stems from a research on pre-Hispanic art, in it, I extract visual patterns that are repetitive in various Amerindian cultures and reconfigure them in a series of pieces that characterize birds, which represent a static metaphor of the shamanic flights that they performed with the ingestion of hallucinogenic plants and mushrooms. I am interested in approaching from my point of view what could have been the possible visions and sensations that these ancestral wise men had, generating a bridge between past and present.

  • Date
    May 10, 2018

    on your own

    Omar Javier Umana Polania / Colombia

    Santiago, a rancher in the Colombian foothills suffers from water shortages on his farm, while a mining company plans to extract oil from the region due to the rejection of the community. On his own he develops a plot of Colombian rurality and also addresses a contemporary social drama as the protagonist has a conflict with an oil company and the short film tries to establish a parallel with respect to other similar conflicts currently occurring in Latin America.
  • Date
    May 10, 2018

    Camino de Agua para un Pez / Water Path for a Fish

    Felipe Morell & Maira Vergara / Colombia

    It is a starry night in a Latin American neighborhood. Óscar sleeps in his room when a gust of wind wakes him up. From his window he sees a goldfish jumping in a dirty puddle! While two cats stalk him from the shadows. Óscar will try to save the fish through a wild adventure full of mysterious adventures through a nocturnal Latin America, with the scarcity of water as a backdrop.
  • Date
    May 10, 2018

    7 Days Guarantee

    Tania Infante Antivar / Colombia

    From planting to marketing, the Colombian flower industry is seen from the perspective of flowers. As protagonists of this process and journey, they will meet characters who will mark their destiny.
  • Date
    May 10, 2018

    Travelers of the Pentagram

    Bank of Contents - MinCultura / Colombia

    The new digital strategy to support musical training created by the Ministry of Culture of Colombia, "Viajeros del Pentagrama" is a portal that provides musical teaching tools to apply in the classroom, here you will find didactics, class examples and resources to dictate an optimal music class and for children and families to reinforce these classes autonomously.
  • Date
    May 10, 2018

    Indigenous Communication

    Bank of Contents - MinCultura / Colombia

    The Communications Directorate of the Ministry of Culture supports the development of communication processes and the creation of cultural content with indigenous communities throughout the country, which contribute to the safeguarding and reaffirmation of their cultures, their languages and their life plans, as well as to the social value of his legacy and contribution to the nation. This multimedia publication collects the results of several years of walking together, product of the meeting between various creators and collectives of indigenous communication with the Ministry of Culture of Colombia, a compendium that contributes to strengthening our collective audiovisual memory.
  • Date
    May 11, 2018

    Traces of Living Memory

    Bank of Contents - MinCultura / Colombia

    It is a pedagogical material that allows to know different trades and places that are part of the cultural heritage of Colombia. They are grouped according to the themes of sound, audiovisual and multimedia content, produced or supported by the Department of Communications of the Ministry of Culture.
  • Date
    May 11, 2018

    The Commitment of a Country

    Felipe Moreno Salazar & Camilo Aguilera Toro / Colombia

    Institutional falsehood on the second Colombian Film Law (1566 of 2012). In 2003, the Colombian government launched a Film Law that created institutions and calls to support the production of feature films, boosting the audiovisual industry in the country. In 2012, it launched a second law, which according to (official portal of the initiative) allows: Colombia to offer a refund or consideration for films totally or partially shot in Colombia, of 40% of the value of the expenses made for cinematographic services and 20% of the value of the expenses made in cinematographic logistics services (hotels, food and transportation items). Most of the feature films made under this initiative focus on aspects such as violence, drugs, the exoticism of women and the landscape. This short film, in the manner of recovered material films, tries to give a critical sense to the publicity of the law and some feature films made under it.
  • Date
    May 11, 2018

    royal road

    Fernando Dominguez / Colombia

    An old proverb says "The landscape is carried inside", in a materialistic sense this proverb can be reread as "space is a human production". Both geography and art are human doings that have the ability to describe space. Neither of them is limited to the graph of it or to close it to a single way of understanding. This work, called “Camino real”, can be assumed as an exercise in the production of landscapes, or also as a work of artialization (as some geographers would define it), that is, the visual translation of a spatial practice.