"Thinking-with Decorator Crabs: Lessons in Vulnerability in the Aquarium of Oceanic Possibilities"

Elizabeth Burmann Littin (Chile) Table C – Connectographies

This presentation will explore the artistic research project on which the article 'Thinking-with decorator crabs: Oceanic feminism and material remediation in the multispecies aquarium' is based, written with Jianni Tien, friend and colleague and academic at the University of Technology, Sydney, which was published in the latest volume of the Journal Feminist Review entitled 'Oceans'.

The article describes interactions with 4 decorator crabs and the various insights that emerged from caring for and thinking-with these crabs.

Situating myself from the recent oceanic turn in feminist studies (Alaimo 2019, Delourghey 2019, Neimanis 2019), I will delve into the ocean as a conceptual apparatus that leads us towards phenomena that do not dominate on the earth's surface, lacking attention and care. Oceanic materiality, as a transformative medium allows us to imagine new and distinct links that dissolve hierarchies and barriers between entities, creating an embodied environmental ethic that is necessary as a feminist challenge to the anthropocene.

Unfolding the different stages of the project, this paper is an invitation to dive into liquid materialities, and to learn-with the crafts of decorator crabs in the context of the aquarium as a means of study that allows us to think about ocean scale impacts and how they affect our own porous corporeality.

  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "The T(h)rüman Show – Prelude I"

    Camilo Gutierrez Moreno (Colombia)

    The T (h) r uman Show - Prelude I, is an audiovisual piece focused on the development of the concept of Plato's Cave: the relationship between humans as citizens and persons and their ontological and teleological position in existence.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "Experiential Extensions"

    Ed Johnston (United States)

    The Experiential Extensions series is a body of work in progress in which I mark moments of my existence through complex and aesthetic means. It involves exploration, photography, 3D digital animation and digital fabrication. This specific series is related to my exploration of different areas of Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Pablo Magne (Argentina)

    REM is conceived as an audiovisual work where concrete and abstract sounds and quotations coexist and are transformed into a score to be worked on in conjunction with the visual language proposed by the visuals of the director and audiovisual producer Pablo Magne (Argentina).
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "In tune with nature"

    Laura Cabrera / Sira Cabrera (Spain)

    This video seeks a horizon towards the echoes of life. It proposes to open our senses, to empathize, to respect and to change our relationship of predatory exploitation with Nature.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "Urbanography of Cause"

    Thiago de Andrade Morandi (Brazil)

    In a universe of 25 interviews, the cut of four of them constitutes the first video of "Urbanografia do Caus", which portrays from ethnobiographical stories the daily life of some pixadores and graffiti artists in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Ivan Reina Ortiz (Colombia)

    As I assume my non-binary trans gender identity, I review my personal and film archive to rediscover the path that has brought me to where I am.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "We are rattlemen"

    Jorge Mario Suarez Iguaran (Colombia)

    Experimental portrait in video art where the author, through audiovisual devices and poetry, emulates dreams in which he recognizes himself as an indigenous Wayuu, despite his upbringing in the Arijuna world (the city). The Wayuu believe in dreams as portals.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    John Melo (Colombia)

    Experimental video-sound project in which Totality is understood as the form of perception in which the Being is thrown and sustained in the Nothingness, being part of a kind of harmony and order that in turn, are saturated with information and that constantly provokes evocations of altered surrealist landscapes.