SOMA Laboratory – “Arts and sciences of movement”

javier martin (Spain)

A work session that will be based on the experimentation of a series of concepts, techniques and exercises to accompany and refine perception, to understand the relationships between physical sensations and the languages we use, between the body, its materiality, and the processes that mediate the consciousness we have of it.

  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "Beautiful City"

    Susana Ojeda (Colombia-Austria)

    This experimental road movie takes us on a journey through Bogotá's Parkway. This linear park designed by Karl Brunner, an Austrian architect, summarizes the European concepts of the garden city. The images of this walk through the park gradually begin to be replaced by 3D images that transform the viewer into an actor in a journey that becomes a bad journey.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Carlos Fernando Rodriguez B (Colombia)

    It is an audiovisual essay about water and what it represents, impacts, excites, conceptualizes, evokes in us. It is to go to the depths of the senses to find an analogy with water as the principle of life.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Emmanuel Rene Florance / Jose Maria Casanova (Argentina)

    LUNA is an ephemeral intervention that took place on April 5, 2019 in Laguna de Gómez, Junín, Buenos Aires.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "Walking Shard"

    Gonzalo Mauricio Cueto Vera (Chile)

    The video, bets for an action that appeals from the dramatic tension, apparently in puga with the end that is glimpsed. An action that carries a signifier embodied in a dissonant opening, of a nature that besieges progress through organic life that imposes itself in a new and possibly catastrophic sense for the possibly human, quoted from its last shot.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "WE WILL BE"

    Chrysalis Cinema (Colombia)

    "Nosotr_s seremos", speculates the embryonic state of a new species, where his desire for the dilution of the boundaries between identity, gender and animality, sprouts in the midst of a primordial broth.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "Arakiruma Bi-rua"

    Viviana Grisales (Colombia)

    Arakiruma Bi-rúa. Heartfelt thanks to the land of deer: Five young people from the ancestral territory of San Lorenzo, in Riosucio, Caldas narrate, from their daily life, their experiences, feelings and knowledge about the territory.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "The soul of the peoples"

    Carlos Cruz (Colombia)

    El alma de los pueblos tells from different voices, the life experiences of those who have been part of the program throughout its history, from its beginnings to the present.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "Sek Buy - Sun Ritual"

    William Cayapur Delgado (Colombia)

    Aurora, a restless and mischievous indigenous girl, begins a fantastic adventure, exploring her own culture with pride and joy, while discovering her identity.