Acoustic fossil: listening to climate change.

Santiago Reyes Villaveces / Daniel Villegas Velez (Colombia)

What is -or can be- the role of listening in the academy and artistic creation in the task of understanding, conceptualizing and acting in a meaningful way in the face of the global transformations that are grouped under the terms of climate crisis or change, global warming, anthropocene and/or capitalocene? To address this question, our discussion takes as a starting point the sound installation Fósil acústico (vestibular organ), winner of the Túnel de Escape grant (Ministry of Culture, 2022).

The installation transforms the exhibition site located within the walls of Cartagena into a resonance chamber -an immersive sound environment- assimilating the space inside the human ear to propose a reflection on listening and resonance as a means to rethink our relationship with our surroundings and the environment.

With the help of authors such as Christina Sharpe, Kathryn Yusoff and Dipesh Chakrabarty among others, we will explore how and to what extent the conceptual vocabulary of the sound field (resonance, vibration, oscillation, frequency, timbre, affect, etc.) allow us to understand phenomena that, due to their global dimensions and millenary temporalities, escape human understanding, approaching them from a perspective located in the Global South as a critical place to question the coloniality/anthropocene/capitalocene relationship.

With the support of the Colombo American Center

  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "Tele Espacios Activos IX"

    Mario H. Valencia - Oscar "TATA" Ceballos (Colombia)

    Directed by Mario H. Valencia and Oscar (TATA) Ceballos and developed by Laboratorio SENSOR in the last eight years within the framework of the International Image Festival, Tel-espacios activos has explored in the last years different forms of telematic creation, It is now in the post-pandemic when it takes on an interesting meaning since a large number of applications and forms of communication previously used by a few have been massified and different collectives, creators and events have adopted the telematic artistic construction as another possibility, not only to face the pandemic but also to expand the expressive, creative and performative possibilities that this interesting space offers.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Daniel Gomez and Jose Moncada (Colombia)

    Cleromancy is a divination ritual present in many different cultures and times that is used as a means to interact with the spiritual world. One of its expressions is based on the I-Ching (the book of changes), a fundamental book in ancient Chinese cosmology. The I-Ching is traditionally consulted by randomly creating a hexagram, obtained by tossing a set of four coins six times, which points to a specific chapter of the book.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Adeline Charneau / Pablo Andres Cardona Correa (France - Colombia)

    PUENTE. The bridge is the passage. The passage between two worlds. The passage to cross and/or to free oneself from geopolitical and environmental challenges. But it is also, and above all, a place where people cross and sometimes meet.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "Threshold to a Dream"

    María de los Ángeles Herrera Buste / Adina Izarra / David Guerra Layana / Paola G. Olea (Ecuador)

    Umbral a un sueño is a sound creation that seeks to create synergy between pre-Columbian sounds, such as flutes, whistles and ocarinas, and digital media. Through the transformation of countless recordings and experimentations on clay wind instruments and voice, spaces are created that narrate a personal sound imaginary of the author.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Liliana Correa Rodríguez / Jader Cartagena Martínez / Sara Patiño and Edwin Vélez (Colombia)

    Imantación is a soundscape that combines experimental cinema; based on the possibilities of interaction of sound creation and simultaneous film projection. Its main reference is linked to the concept of mental/real spatialization of sound in cinema and its effects on the spectator. The multitrack mixes that are made in any audiovisual piece are compromises between a mental location and a real location.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "Assorted boxes"

    Los Ruidositos (Colombia)

    The project Los Ruidositos, and its piece 'Cajitas Surtidas' is a sonic adventure that combines the experience of 6 musical navigators who seek, through their practice, to explore the interstices between sound and silence, rumors, whispers, screams, squeaks, rattles, roars, howls and resonances.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022


    Yeison Loaiza (Colombia)

    Within the investigative focus of the archive and the intervention, in addition to memory as a creative incentive and anthropological contribution, the objective was to restore images belonging to a key period of the country, from the end of 1993, when the armed conflict persisted and intensified. The audio and sound editing and restoration of the tape was used to generate a universe that would return to an atmosphere of the 90's.
  • Date
    October 9, 2022

    "Keep the Coffee Hot"

    Juan Carlos García-Sampedro Ferrero (Spain)

    A denunciation of the objectification of women, especially in the audiovisual media, cinema and advertising. The image of women is usually represented as an assistant to men, a figure that serves for men to develop their role, express their concerns and make visible their leading role in the film or in the corresponding audiovisual product. Rarely does her role have its own profile and defined independently from the one played by the male protagonist, and it is often a simple stage show.