Jose Antonio Dorado (Colombia)
University of the Valley
The interaction aims to disseminate some findings of the application of the methodology applied in the Intercultural Audiovisual Creation Laboratory. The methodology is a product derived from the doctoral thesis "Los Misak de la Tierra a la Pantalla, Laboratorio de Creación Audiovisual en el resguardo Indígena de Wampia".
The methodological research was carried out in the Wampia Resguardo of the Misak indigenous people, which has been characterized by its resistance and political-cultural struggle, facing difficulties to defend its language and culture from political and religious interference, exogenous languages and globalization that threaten its social, political and cultural extinction. In order to face these adversities, the research proposes the creation of a methodology through an Intercultural Audiovisual Laboratory, inspired by the cosmovision and education of the Misak people.
This is a theoretical-practical qualitative research based on horizontal methodology and dialogue of knowledge. From a holistic perspective, it critically approaches the problem of social research from different epistemes (such as decolonial critical theory, philosophy, linguistics, anthropology) including own modes of research that the community has developed.
The methodological proposal can be extrapolated to communities in different latitudes that face problems with