"Beyond Human Perception"

María Castellanos / Alberto Valverde (Spain - Norway)

The piece is a video installation that allows the public to visualize the reactions of humans and plants and compare the response of both living beings to a common stimulus; live music.

Eliminating barriers in the communication and understanding between both living beings and evidencing the immediate reactions of plants to the changes that occur around them.

  • Date
    October 5, 2022

    "Public Confessional"

    Sofia Garrido and Felipe Prado (Chile)

    Confesionario Público is an interactive installation where the visitor is the one who generates the content of the work. The installation consists of 12 screens, a video camera, a reed microphone and a circle drawn on the floor (sticker).
  • Date
    October 5, 2022

    "They are marking us"

    Cristobal Olivares (Chile)

    The Chilean rebellion began on October 18, 2019. The trigger was the 4.1% increase in the subway fare ($30 CLP = $0.039 USD). This provoked massive evasions of the subway, at first by high school students but then generalized and expanded throughout the country.
  • Date
    October 5, 2022

    "Imaginary Machine Landscapes"

    Esteban Agosin (Chile)

    "Paisajes Maquínicos Imaginarios" is a sound experience and an ecosystem produced by the dialogue between the situational soundscape and the machine interpretation of the environment. Through an Artificial Intelligence system, this object/machine creates new imaginary soundscapes from what this machine hears and interprets from the environment, generating new territorialities from a specific place and its sounds, but also from its social and cultural aspects.
  • Date
    October 8, 2022

    "Andalien 19/31"

    Cristóbal Enrique Parra Munoz (Chile)

    Andalién 19/31 is a creative research project around the productive flows and industrial technologies of territories marked by the mechanisms of production. Using photography, videomapping, programmed laser and soundscape, an action is configured that investigates two political and geographical currents: on the one hand the flows of accelerated and industrial production, and on the other hand the water flows of rivers and basins of these territories.
  • Date
    October 8, 2022


    El Giro, Artistic Collective (Colombia)

    Tránsitos is an experimentation from dance, video, text, music and photography, where the edition of the body in a space gives way to the fusion of the language and look of the audiovisual director with the choreography, using different photographic frames to edit the body movements that incorporate micro choreographies exploring with the body fragmentation the everyday life from the prosaic.
  • Date
    October 8, 2022


    Camilla French / Jemma Foster (UK)

    XIBALBA is an experimental short film that explores the intelligence of organic matter, panspermia and the relationship between homo sapiens and the Other. ROOTS is an animated video that explores the Tikuna creation myth. Two opposing screens will play the videos at the same time in a loop, showing the resonance between the films as one begins where the other ends, outside of time and space.
  • Date
    October 8, 2022


    Corina Lipvasky Carvallo (Venezuela)

    #TupíornotTupí is a multichannel installation composed by a series of generative loops. The images have been created with Touchdesigner. The movement and audio, comes from biological data extracted through a humidity sensor connected to an Arduino board.
  • Date
    October 8, 2022


    Jorge Luis Bandera Martinez and DA Restrepo-Quevedo (Colombia)

    The deforestation that the planet is currently experiencing, particularly in Colombia, shows really worrying figures for the reality of the planet, and of course, for our quality of life on it. According to the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies, IDEAM (2017), we have lost more than 170,000 hectares of trees in the country's natural forest territories.