"Paramo de la Sarna"

Calixto Raúl Araújo Monroy (Colombia)

The idea arose from a massacre that occurred on December 1, 2001 on the road that leads from Sogamoso, the city where I live, to the Orinoquía region. There, 15 people who were traveling on an intermunicipal bus were murdered. The paramilitaries stopped the bus in that lonely place known as El Páramo de la Sarna, took the people down and executed them.

The place is very cold and the only thing that can be heard is the wind. We recorded the sound of the wind, we asked several people to read the names of the victims and over a sampled piano sound we randomly interpreted the C Minor chord adding synthesis to the sound to create tension.

We place the voices on top of that sound and then sample the voices and the background is superimposed, interpreted in the controller as a murmur of the same voices, resembling the question of the victims of the massacre: not knowing what is happening or why it is happening.

Subsequently, the "tiple" enters in the key of C minor with a harmonic-rhythm of Torbellino in a minor mode, to which we add a "three" that narrates an improvised melody on a flute trill and some strings in pizzicato.

There is a dialogue between a violin and a mezzo-soprano on an ostinato in the double basses that, on the base I IV – V in a minor mode, link to a major mode in a dialogue between the mezzo-soprano and a bassoon, always with the bottom of the tiple as the base in the "whirlwind".

The proposal is to continue with this dialogue of miscegenation between the traditional and the orchestral, in addition to paying homage to the victims of this terrible event: we want to place the audience in the space of the events, merge the somewhat dramatic music with the subsequent change to greater mode indicating how everyday life erases the gravity of the events from the collective unconscious and everything returns to normal

  • Date
    October 10, 2022


    Jose Alejandro Lopez Perez (Colombia)

  • Date
    October 10, 2022

    "From Taubenmarkt"

    Ramona Rodriguez (Spain)

    " Desde Taubenmarkt ", soundscape of the Austrian city of Linz and electronic sounds (computer programs). This work is the result of a research stay carried out in 2018, it traces a kind of journey between biophonic and anthropophonic sounds, manipulated and mixed to recreate a quasi-musical atmosphere.
  • Date
    October 10, 2022

    "Architectures and Digital Cities"

    Pablo Andres Gomez Granda (Colombia)

    Arquitecturas y Ciudades digitales. Teoría e Historia de la arquitectura en la época de la transformación digital is a Multimedia in digital environment resulting from the application of technological resources to analyze case studies of the theory and history of architecture in response to the need to adapt their learning during the transition from face-to-face to virtuality in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic at the Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano.
  • Date
    October 10, 2022

    "Beyond Matter - in imitation of the survival orchids"

    Sandrine Deumier (France)

    Intermingling animal orchids and expanding mineral matter, mutating fungal forms, plant embryos and melting hybrid residues, this work questions our ability to perceive the living world as a complex, hybrid and ever-interacting entity."
  • Date
    October 10, 2022


    Sara Melisa Gallego / Alejandro Duque (Colombia)

    Datascopio is a collective art project that explores the database of the project Tenemos que hablar Colombia. Through artistic interpretation, different ways of visualizing, listening and feeling the data resulting from the conversations of about 5000 citizens and approximately 30,000 records are proposed.
  • Date
    October 10, 2022

    "Mutated Reality Device"

    Nicolas Kisic Aguirre (Peru)

    El Dispositivo de Realidad Mutada is a habitable ambisonic sculpture. Inside, space expands far beyond its compact walls to, through a spatial listening experience, navigate worlds resulting from artificial intelligence-assisted experiments in linguistic disobedience.
  • Date
    October 10, 2022

    "Glitch Me"

    Florencia Alonso & Naoto Hieda (Germany, Argentina, Japan)

    "GlitchMe" is a laboratory of witchcraft around the composition of scenic objects and the decomposition of algorithms invoking a network of feedback loops. Digitality can become dreams that move and interact in multiple spaces in non-linear time.
  • Date
    October 10, 2022


    Realities Research Group (Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo, ECA-USP) (Brazil)

    InMemoriam is a tribute to the victims of covid-19 in Brazil. The pixels on the first page of the section "Fundamental Rights and Guarantees", present in the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, represent the number of deaths, day by day, throughout the period. The exponential sequencing of the pandemic associates the failure of national public and health policies with the alienation of acquired rights.