Two Storms

Two Storms

Alejandro Borsani / USA

Two Storms was filmed on the outskirts of San Roque de Cumbaza in the Peruvian Amazon during July 2013. In the vicinity of the town, a municipal project sought to improve the supply of drinking water for the local population.
In this video, two sequence shots are juxtaposed: a worker resting on the bank of a stream and the calm of a storm about to break. While the worker walks, climbs a rock and seems to enjoy a moment of leisure, the clouds float over the jungle transforming the sunset into a lead gray dance.
The work tries to explore the meeting of two materials: the lightness of the clouds and the heaviness of a steel colossus. The friction between the two suggests contemporary problems such as the manifestation of climate change and the geopolitics of the development and exploitation of the Amazon.
