

Mattia Casalegno

TWINS is an installation of UltraHD monitors showing CGI compositions of vaguely zoomorphic, machine-like objects in constant transformation, tied and held in ropes in the style of Kinbaku, the Japanese art of bondage.

“Objects of engineering, instruments of control and domination: machines, motors, mechanisms, products of scientific knowledge, and yet, there is nothing in knowledge that has not first been in the whole body; his gestural metamorphoses, mobile postures, very evolutionary imitate everything that surrounds him: bone, muscle, cardiovascular, neural...
Bearer of the five senses, but with other functions than the channeling of external information as a central processor, the body thus recovers a cognitive presence and its own function.”
Michel Serres, Variations on the Body, Univocal

Two television screens resembling bound bodies, enslaved subjects, and objects of both desire and display become bodies on them.
Beings – subjects and objects literally tied, restricted, coerced. The monitors intrigue and seduce, invoking hidden fantasies within us, releasing deeper emotions and sensory experiences… or perhaps watching as the apple might suddenly fall from the tree for Eve, bringing sin to earth.
Some people have to be tied down to be free. By being physically constrained, we became more aware of our senses. By becoming our objects, a latent violence sharpens our sensory experience.
