In order to explore technology blockchain as an artistic medium, seeking its own native qualities, TREELEMMA consists of an NFT series that mixes artificial intelligence and ecology. Based on data obtained from forest monitoring satellites, the NFT detects every time a forest burns; This unfortunate event causes an artificial intelligence system to write a generative poem, which materializes from the ashes and sparks released by burning trees.

Each of these digital memories of Earth's destruction have been published as NFTs in a blockchain low energy consumption. Despite the technical complexity of this project, the viewer is actually faced with a work of art of pristine simplicity. Achieving this mix of complexity and simplicity has been a guiding principle throughout the development phase, which has involved building an AI system, programming an API, customizing smart contracts, and designing the user experience. .

TREELEMMA has been conceived by the artist Oscar Santillán and was developed by Cryptical LAB in collaboration with the following talented colleagues: René Martínez (UX design) | Tuan Perera (coding) | Ellie Young (community building) | Agustin Dondo (blockchain programming) | Wilbert Vogel (GPT3 formation) | Christine Hvidt (web design).
