Time Bomb the Love

Presented by: Chiara Passa

I have redesigned TIME BOMB THE LOVE as a VR revival of the mesmerizing animation I created in 1998: "Time Bomb the Love". The original animation (which can be seen on my You Tube) is a digital manipulation of rockets to the beat of techno music. Frame by frame, the missiles are converted into synthetic architectures that he called "container-compressions." Through vertical-horizontal movements, the rockets disappear in straight lines and points, reappearing under the guise of deactivated bombs because they have been transformed into architecture. "Time Bomb the Love" or better: it's time for love to explode! In the VR artwork https://hubs.mozilla.com/TfZAVgn/time… that I made there are five compressed architectures that you can get into by diving into five abstract 360º animations.
