The Love Letters?

The Love Letters?

Daniel Zea
Switzerland – Columbia

In our society today, in which communication and image are ubiquitous, facial recognition algorithms are everywhere. Social networks, Internet search engines, surveillance systems, even our own phones are following and marking our face. Our face, the most expressive part of our personality, has become a tool for marketing, statistics and police control. In addition to this, the oversaturation of faces on the networks has turned them into masks, into narcissistic fictions.
This duality between the expressive-face and the dehumanized-face is the basis of « The Love Letters ? ». How transcendental can communication between two faces through a digital interface be? What words of love can result from computer algorithms?
Two people sitting face to face in front of their computers. Every movement and facial gesture is detected by the system and converted into a control signal. A blink, a look, a movement, a grimace, generate images, sounds and texts. The emotions projected by the faces contrast with everything that the machines can generate. What can we understand from this multi-layered communication?
This piece shows the fragility of our contemporary society in the face of its fascination with technology, a recurring idea in several of his recent works such as The Fuck Facebook Face Orchestra, Kinecticut and Swallow.
