Active tele-spaces
A sample of performance arts and telematic concerts
Mario Valencia – Professor University of Caldas / Juan Reyes
The Telematics exhibition Tele-espacios activos proposes the presentation of different works and projects related to the production of forms of expression that use advanced networks as a means to express ideas. The result of these works is ubiquitous both in space and in time, since these events take place in different geographical locations on the planet, in real time and in different time zones. The delay due to the transport and travel of data also implants a seal that makes these works characteristic.
“Tele-espacios activos” proposes the production and realization of a group of telematic performances in which ensembles of participants distributed in various geographical locations contribute, propose and develop collaborative telematic works. Each event, apart from live interaction elements, consists of a sound-musical part as well as a visual part with live video manipulation. Additionally, there are also bodily and dance expressions that are combined with the rest of the interaction in each work.
These events can be classified within the formats of:
Performance / Concerts / Workshops and talks / Interactive installations.