Community Online Experimental Radio Production Workshop. Recording, editing, expedition and urban intervention with Mobile Transmission Car (walking radio)

Community Online Experimental Radio Production Workshop. Recording, editing, expedition and urban intervention with Mobile Transmission Car (walking radio)

Gerardo Della Vecchia, Bernardo Piñero and Daniel Cruz / Chile – Argentina


Field recording experiences, interviews, recording geolects, and soundscapes will be guided as means of reflection on the community, its culture, and the environment. An Object Rescue Expedition and a Sound Rescue Expedition (stories, stories, landscapes) will be developed as sound wealth of the city to incorporate into the urban intervention device "Mobile Transmission Car".

The connection and assembly of hardware and software for urban intervention with the aforementioned "Carro Móvil Transmisiones" (walking radio) will be addressed, carrying out with it online broadcast in real time and its subsequent storage and dissemination via podcast. Within the framework of the project “Surófona – Latin American Radio Online of Electronic Arts”.
