Subvertising tools to the patriarchal thinking in advertising. Video art, photography, artivism in feminist WAR (Women Artistic Revolution)
Alejandra Bueno / Spain
National University of Education / Polytechnic University of Valencia
This text is a conceptual and formal analysis of works of video art, photography and activism in defense of women's rights. It contextualizes the theoretical concepts of feminism, desire, liberty, reality, subversion or spectacle, in the framework of art and feminist critique in order to articulate an analysis running from the XXth to the XXIst century based on the theories of thinkers like Flusser , Lacan, Barthes, Debord and, more specifically concerning women, Lagarde, Beauvoir, Butler and Amoros. The aim is to show that art has had an important role in the diverse feminisms, contributing significantly to the improvement of the number of women in art and society, and that it continues to do so, being an accessible medium for reaching the dissident sector of the population, a medium that is creative in its confrontation, a medium whose duty is to communicate history and ensure that it is justly told, a tool for struggle camouflaged under the umbrella of art.