“Self-Intersection: interactive design for biosignals, dance, sound and voice.”

“Self-Intersection: interactive design for biosignals, dance, sound and voice.”

Francisca Morand and Javier Jaimovich / Chile
Faculty of Arts – University of Chile
javier@jaimovich.cl, fmorand@u.uchile.cl

“Self-Intersection” is a solo performance by a dancer, developed around themes of identity and self-image constructed by the subjective relationship of somatic processes, such as self-sensing while moving and vocalizing. The performance is based on the intersection of sound, dance, voice, text and biosignals, all involved in an interactive system constructed with biosensors mapped to a real-time sound environment.

“Self-Intersection” is currently a work in process, as part of the project Emovere, directed by the dancer Francisca Morand and the sound artist and researcher Javier Jaimovich, both academics at Facultad de Artes – Universidad de Chile. The project Emovere started in 2014 as a mutual interest on sensoriality, physiology, consciousness and experience as fundamentals for interdisciplinary and artistic experimentation.

The artist talk will show and explain the artistic and technological foundations of one of the sections of the interactive solo, focusing on the interactive design between dance, sound and voice and the expressive possibilities that this creative process has provided to the artistic research of Emovere project .
