Sebastian Munera

Sebastian Munera


He explores various media, from films and installations to architectural interventions. His current interests focus on the concept of violence in photographic representation and animal dramaturgy. His debut film La Torre had its world premiere at the 47th International Film Festival Rotterdam in the Bright Future section and was an official selection of Colombian cinema at the 58th International Film Festival of Cartagena de Indias.

He finished his master's degree in Visual Arts at the National University of Colombia in 2019 with a research and creation project around the zoology of the gaze. Winner of the Altiplano Incuba Award at the International Symposium of Author's Cinema (2014) and Grand Prize Humberto Solás Cine en Construcción, XIII FICGibara (Cuba). He participated as an artist in the II Latin American Colloquium of Non-Objectual Art and Rural Art at the Museum of Modern Art of Medellin MAMM. In 2018 he obtained the Scholarship for the Creation of Individual Exhibitions of the Ministry of Culture of Colombia and in 2017 the Scholarship for the Creation of Artists of Medium Trajectory of the Mayor's Office of Medellin.

In 2012 he received the Recognition Award for Outstanding Young Researchers in the artistic and cultural field, Ruta N. His project Delito y Ornamento (2019), a video installation that analyzes the figure of prison and escape is part of the collection of works of the Banco de la República de Colombia.
