Rocio Berenguer

Rocio Berenguer

France - Spain

Rocío Berenguer has lived in France since 2012 and is interested in the great challenges and changes of our contemporary world, such as the evolution of spaces for individual freedom in our society, the place of technology in our daily lives, environmental issues... Either in Homeostasis#V2, focused on the dialogue between human and artificial intelligence, in Ergonomics, inspired by the world of start-ups or in G5, on the threats to the future of humanity and the diversity of species, their creations are fictions perspectives that explore the possibility of «another tomorrow». They also implicitly refer to our contemporary neuroses.

For each creation, Rocio begins a work of investigation and dialogue with scientists that generates a text that then matches with other materials, preferring to hybridize different mediums - text, dance, videos, digital art - rather than restrict herself to a single practice. The use of new technologies that are very present in her work is not a fascination but a desire to integrate them into poetic writing while questioning how these technologies, omnipresent in our lives, modify our interpersonal relationships. In the end, it is the body that is the centre and the point of convergence of her work. The body visited by the social codes of behaviour, the body at the centre of identity, representation and desire issues. The body threatened in its freedom and sovereignty by the arrangements of neocapitalism, the body as territory to be reclaimed.

Among Rocio Berenguer's latest creations we can mention Stéthoscope, Memo, Corps/non-lieu (winner of 1st prize at the Biennial "Les Bains Numériques"), Homeostasis#V2, Ergonomics, Coexistence, G5. His work is carried out in France and internationally. She does a research residency at the Enghien-les-Bains Arts Center, a state-funded center specializing in digital arts, and at the Hexagone, scène nationale de Meylan. She is an Associate Artist at the Théâtre Nouvelle Génération, Center Dramatique National de Lyon directed by Joris Mathieu, until 2021.
